March 01, 2007a freaking RIDICULOUS THING HAPPEN.
a mole grew on my NOSE! OHMYGOLLY.
although the mole size is less than 0.1 cm?
but i still think it's a wrong place to grow on. why not on my butt huh!
i'm still considering whether should i remove it.
although they say that my mole couldnt even be seen.
anyway i'm back to my sleepless night again. i think i look damn pale now.
not enough sleep. arghs.
my CNY pictures are still in the process of editing.
HAHA. actually i haven really started. but i have to clear those pictures i took before CNY which i haven even posted it up here right!
i know my blog is laggggingggg hell with massive lots of pictures
due to my birthday party post.
just be paitent and wait for it to load (:

guess you all have heard about the news where SUNYANZI got blackmailed/intimited/robbed in Egypt.
HEADLINE HEADLINE for like 2-3days? news everywhere is reporting about it.

if you dont know anything about it you can read the news on this link :D
glad she's now safe and everything.
well, she recorded a video when she's at home. telling everyone that she's safe and stuff. HAHA =x

she look very natual, very nice. I WANT TO GO EGYPT TOO!
the radio have already air her new song. pretty nice.
have been listening to it non-stop :D

one of my lecturer ask me to take part in this story telling competition, with two of my friends cause she say our presentation skills were good? -.-
actually i'm not interested at all. somemore story telling, abit err...
HAHAAHAHA. but since two of my friends are like so eager to participate. i dont want to be a wet blanket. so just try it out lah! take it as gaining experience!
thanks for reading and tagging :D
shall update again soon, takecare!