Can you see me?
May 19, 2007
Weekends had finally arrived.
I think I'm totally drained out this whole week. Due to rushing to complete projects after projects! and i can see that everyone is actually very tired and drained.
And when it's time to blog or even after i blog finish a entry, i will ask myself "Next entry must blog about what ah???"
This is how bad it can get.
Interesting stuff have not been happening. I didn't even have the time to even go out! How worse? This is going crazy.
Okay, maybe just for me :D
I bought Sun Yan Zi's second version of her new album last week!

My mum and friends actually think that I'm wasting money buying back the same album. But i think this version is pretty much worth it though! Huge lots of stuff like the DVD and i think the new pictures are much more prettier!

This is the class attendance list! (FYI: A = Absent)

Yes. i have a great view behind me in class!

I drank this in school when i was still alittle sick few days back!

Doesn't taste very bad luh, just taste like how the medicine taste!

Some school mates from asked me to join ice climbing, so i did! But I'm not even sure weather I have the time to go for it luh! Pull me out from all these hectic work please!

I love my school's Canteen 4 chicken chop!

and the honeydew flavoured Vitasoy! you drink before?!

library library library :D

saw my name? saw saw?
and guess who?

F-E-R-G-I-E !!!!
lastly B-E-N-J-A-M-I-N! lol.
