A Pictorial Attitude
June 28, 2007Cause yesterday I was blogging and halfway through I fell asleep. In case you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, read the entry below which I blog yesterday night.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:26 PM
I'm updating now, do check back few minutes later :D
I'm feeling bad cause some told me they refresh the page until 2am and still not seeing any update.

I did bring to school my laptop today, to update during my lesson time but I've got not enough time to complete it but anyway here's the update! :D
A boring lesson by a boring lecturer

Lindy, Brandy, Vic & Ben.

The meaning of this picture : Lindy is giving birth to a baby and the baby is brandy.

Vic love emo shot!


A blur one.

A great shot of HongMing. We have been friends for 6 years, from Secondary 1 till now.

I was taking pictures of myself using my phone...

and Victor wanted to take the same pose as me.
I tired to capture it but ...

he FAILED! and so ...

He tried acting cute!

Everyone except us is paying attention at the lecturer.

Vic is talking on the phone.

HongMing is playing his PSP.

I'm having flu.

My super wet and damp tissue paper.
Guess what does this cute container contain inside?

Done guessing?

Okay. Let me it open up!

It contain coins! It's a coin
Halfway through the lesson, we are feeling quite hungry. Vic and Lindy wanted to go and buy some food back.
So they left, leaving Brandy alone.

Then he decided to listen and copy some of the lecture notes.

and HongMing went to dream of his girl, Ling.

I haven been wearing this top for quite long!

Brandy took a shot of me drinking water.

and Brandy did really copied down the notes.


As HongMing is sleeping, he left his PSP on the table
I decided to play the PSP! Since I'm bored too.

So I went to take it.

& i play the ...

I was playing the game till halfway then ...
Vic and Linda came back from canteen with our food, but they couldn't bring it in. Therefore they ask us to go out and help them to bring it in.

So we went out and I bought my jacket along.

We hide the food inside my jacket!

We bought ...

Bubble Tea.

My CHEESE pancake.


See the cheese filling inside! YUMMY!

Brandy is secretly drinking his bubble tea.

I'm eating my fantabulous CHEESE pancake!
Brandy felt COLD and his fingers is frozen like ICE.

Lindy being nice, went over to give him her jacket.

But he threw it on the floor.
Don't ever try to be nice to a COLD man with frozen fingers.

Me and Lindy bought this jacket together! But i lost it like last year in school. Damnit.
We were wondering how come her boobs has become so ...

& her secret is ...

reading typicalben.blogspot.com :D

She's eating her takopachi secretly too.
We are getting back our results for one of our module and Angus is giving out our papers.

and my results is ....

BOOOOO! Not lousy lah! Brandy and HongMing also fail too!

Chaos always happen whenever we got back our papers.

I wrote alot for this paper, I use 2 sets of paper okay! Which means I had already tired my very best! =x

Victor wanted to play Bomberman too, so I let him play.

Leaving me to sleep.

The class is still in Chaos.

I snatched back the PSP and continue playing my Bomberman!

While playing, I saw ChinHao reading ....

Hentai comics.
Hentai : A Japanese slang word meaning perverted or perversion. In the world of manga and anime, hentai refers to the adult oriented titles that present extreme, graphic sexual imagery.

Chinhao then show to Ivy the comics.

Seems like Ivy is very interested in it!

and she continue reading it ...

and reading it.
Chinhao regretted showing it to Ivy, cause he had to wait so long for her to finish reading it.

It's Linda turn to play the PSP!

She love to play the puzzle bubble game!

My eyes was terribly red yesterday.
I love it when my father drive me to school, cause we will always have breakfast together.

This time round he bought me to one of the coffee shop near my school to have breakfast.

Mee siam!

The tea here sucks seriously.
Go Mos Burger and what drinks will you order?
Ice Tea? Coke? Milkshake? Sprite?
Ice milk tea!

This is call creama, so you actually have to open it up.

Pour it inside the normal Ice tea.
to become ...

(Remember to stir it cause in this picture I haven stir it yet)
My favourite drink so far from all the fast food outlet.
I feeling so happy that working as a promoter at Popular is already over.

Bye to Popular at Causeway Point!

Bye to wearing BLACK from head to toe.

Bye Bye Bye Bye!

I use a paper and fold out a heart shape when I was bored working that time.
I wrote down the person I love the most on the heart shape.

Finally a longer entry?!
I'm still as busy even though I'm not working anymore, so much birthday celebration going on this week! I will update once I got the pictures from my friends!
Like Real soon. Super soon! But please don't try to refresh the page after reading this entry until 2am again! cause it's not that SUPER soon! HAHA!