Cute? Sweet? Natural?
August 20, 2007Not trying to be mean or evil here, but while I was browsing through Friendster earlier on I saw this profile which you can vote for 'The Most Handsome Guy' & 'The Prettiest Girl" etc. that kind of profile.
There are many kind of profile like this in Friendster and this one is quite a ridiculous one. I couldn't stop myself from sharing with you guys. So they actually label some of the nominees as 'Cute', "Sweet' etc, asking people to vote.
So here are some of their nominees.
p/s : I will not pin point out each particular nominee as that will be sinful!

Here comes the real absurd one, they also have the "Best Editing Pic" (That's how they phrase it) award.
And you see .......

Actually I don't think I should feel bad about putting their nominees pictures up here because they did put it up at the Friendster account and which means everyone can view it and give comments about it.
So there is no point flaming me on writing this entry! :D