Hey guys!
November 18, 2007Actually I was going to blog yesterday night after attending one of my relatives wedding dinner.
I think it's my grandma's sister son's wedding? o.o
But towards the end of the wedding dinner my bro lost his phone while he was trying to take pictures for us.
As we guess it was being stolen by the guests there, the management came and try to solve the problems and stuff like that.
I wonder why some people are such a losers?
Fancy stealing things at a wedding dinner. And it somehow totally spoil the night.
We then reach home quite late last night, so was dead tired to blog any single shit out :)
Will blog about the wedding dinner after I receive all the pictures!
Meanwhile, my aunt went to Japan for holidays and bought back many nice snacks and food for us!
She spend almost $5000 all on food and snacks!!
That's pretty alot huh?!!
So not all is in the pictures, I just merely grab some of it to take a few shots!
There's also ....
It's yummy! And before I rest my ass down on my comfy chair to blog, I just finish a bar of Banana Chocolate!
The one with a pink arrow pointing at it below!

But some of the foods/snacks could be bought in Singapore too lah! So some of it are quite common though!
OH! And yesterday, before going to attend the wedding dinner at night. My mum woke me up damn early like around 11am?
Just to bring my bro to alter his pants at Woodlands.
It's a SATURDAY for god sake! I finally can sleep till late lah! :(
Feeling grumpy, I just dress very casually, with my hair un-style and a shades there.
So after finish altering the pants and while we're waiting for cab, we cam whore quite abit!
Some pictures are really nice, here you go!

My bro doesn't want to take any cause he was still angry with me, as we quarrel alittle while we're on our way there.
He's is very petty lor!
Anyway my mum took afew shots too!

As the place is very near the custom (Malaysia), my mum told me that people would mistaken us for Malaysians.
Like after reaching Singapore, we excitedly taking pictures at the roadside!
But I reckon even Malaysians wouldn't do that.
What's with the roads?
It's not very pretty or nice at all. I think they would rather take pictures with Esplanade or Merlion?
Those typical Singapore's Icon again -.-

Okay. The last picture of the day,