January 11, 2008I'm having insomnia these few days!
Therefore I'm so stuck with playing one of the applications in Facebook lately, cause I couldn't sleep? or maybe it's still somehow addictive? :)
There's something which makes me feel bewildered (just anyhow try to use this word, cause I just learn it?)!
It's like, I was feeling really sleepy in class and I sort of messaged to the wrong number. And it somehow turns out to be someone whom actually play the applications, which I also play in Facebook!
We did sort of 'exchange a few words' the night before!
Fucking scary isn't it?
Until now I still cannot believe it lor!
No wonder they say Singapore is so damn small, it really is.
I reckon that would most unlikely to happen in those bigger countries where you have like billions of people? Seriously.
Good thing is that the person is still quite friendly though! Cause sometimes I'll get real talkative and annoying whenever I get really high! Like totally! :D
So let me end those bewilderment (I'm using it again!) happenings, and talk about going to Terminal 3 with Lindy a month back!
Upon reaching Terminal 3:
It's really very empty there, at that time!
Therefore it's quite a good time to cam whore alittle since you now can take pictures at the place whereby you might not be able to take in the future?
Everything there look really nice and new! Of course, it is!
Now it's officially open already, sooner or later it will look like Terminal 1 or 2! :x
After that we took the Sky Train to Terminal 1, to have our lunch!
We then went dine at Popeye's which is really yummy!
Especially the Coleslaw!
It's sort of the best Coleslaw I've ever eaten for this kind of fast food? But I forget to upload the picture of it and feel too lazy to even do it now!
Just go and try it when you're free okay! :D
Still remember way back in Secondary School, I always wanted to go to the Airport! So after school, one whole gang of us will waste the bloody one hour time there to eat and also to 'kan fei ji' (See the aeroplanes)!
And another bloody one hour back home! *memories*
Do you know what will happen, if you try to take a picture with the planes there?

With the globe:

Alright! I'm running late!
Catching a flight to China in about an hours time!
You guys need anything?
I can actually buy them back for you?
Just drop me a comment yea? :)

p/s: You people surely know that I'm kidding? I'm saying China because I'm feeling so 'Cheena' these few days, trying to tell everyone I got an A1 for my O level Chinese. *please don't ever roll your eyes at me, I'll poke it with a fork!*