Shake it baby.
May 28, 2008
I'm awake!
Don't say I keep never update my blog already okay? :(
I forced myself to get out of bed as early as 8am today just to edit all the pictures to blog! It's counted as super early for today, cause I normally will only be awake at around 1pm as my lesson is at 3pm!
Nutty, I guess I'll be pretty tired later.
There's this someone from a local clothing company who approach me recently and started talking to me about helping him to advertise their stuff on my blog.
And the thing is, I feel very disgusted by people who expect me to help them advertise and yet doesn't want to give anything in return. They can't possibly expect me to blog about them when they don't even want to pay me a single cents or to sponsor me any stuff right?!
It's ridiculous lor!!!
(Unless their stuff is like god damn real good and I like it very very very very much, that's when I don't mind all these and blog for them!)
Cause I know many of my readers do trust the things I said and if I just agree to blog about it, all my readers will fly there to buy their stuff (provided you people like it) and in the end they earn like shit.
Fuck, listen!! There's no free lunch in this world!
Not at all!
And you know what reason he give me for helping him to advertise?
"So that you got more things to blog about mah."
Seriously, I don't need more things to blog about!
Cause I already have enough content to blog but it's just that I ain't got the time AND EVEN if I really got nothing to blog about, I won't be that desperate to even think about helping you to blog about your stuff.
I would rather dump random pictures or write a whole chunk of rubbish.
And my readers will still read it.
SO don't give me craps that helping you will allow me to have more stuff to blog about, this is totally craps.
But as always, if I come across stuff which I think it's good, I'll share it with my readers and obviously they will know by whether it's a sponsored advertorial or not by the label on top of my entry.
Argh, it's true that you guys are still the best! ❤
Okay, now to pictures!
After school that day, almost the whole class went to NAFA together for their exhibition as we've to do a report on it.
On our way there...

She'll get really high whenever she sees Doraemon and upon passing by this 7-11 store, she insist on taking pictures with it!
I'm a good boy....

Recently, I don't really style or wax up my hair and I don't know why. I think I'm getting lazy and like the more natural look of my hair.

Ranpical pictures:

It's really dope not only to have friends who can drive, but yet also have a car to drive us back home after school! So we can have a comfortable ride home rather than squeezing and smelling people's armpit while we're going back home by bus.

Here comes my new accessories!!

Sorry, not really hot but childish I know.
But I'm really into POLKA DOTS STUFF RIGHT NOW. Actually I've been loving polka dots stuff since quite sometime and it's just that I never really tell anyone about it.
But now I'm going to have everything polka dot-ish!!! :D
Especially white with orange polka dots! (or the other way round also can!)
I'm apparently looking for hoodie with orange polka dots or basically everything and anything. Maybe I should paint my room polka dots too!
Damn nice!
This is the reason why I got myself a new watch:

When you press the 'push' button right, the face will rotate and change to another expression! I actually did took down all the expression but when comes to editing the pictures, I'm pretty lazy so yah, just one.
Where I got all these from?

Uncle! I want Honeydew Milkshake!!!!

The uncle is damn nice to me lor! He always charge me 1 bucks for my Honeydew Milkshake only! Muahahahaha!
Jealous anot? :p
(I think it's $1.40 for usual price?)
Yah, although it's 40 cents only but I'm still happyyyyyy!
Cannot ah?

Alright! That's all.
I still can rest for around 20 minutes before I need to go prepare for school! I hate it when I always need so much time to blog out an entry man, like hours lor!
Oh! And when I woke up just now, I found a pimple popping out from my right cheek. But I don't really care about pimple anyway cause I don't think it's ugly if you only have like one or afew? Only that sometimes it just hurt so much! Well, maybe cause I kept on scratching it on accident.
no free lunch, but in the end you still did blog abt the clothing company though its negative -.-