Join my hairband craze!
July 21, 2008I always think that I'll look weird without my fringe.
Basically cause I don't have sharp and nice features like people do!
Eyes = Small
Eyelashes = Short
Nose = Huge
Mouth = Normal????
Ears = Small
So I usually won't have my fringe up like for no reason?!
Cause I don't think I'll look good at all.
Don't know why, and what happen to me recently that I've been wearing hairband to school or I can say everywhere for the last whole week man!
Show you guys my hair with hairband:

I actually like my hair this way man!
And I think I look alright with it, not as bad as I thought though.
Fringe can be super irritating at times, especially if you have bangs and it have super super many of holes in between! -ugly please- Or hair that keep poking into your eyes, which then makes you feel damn uncomfortable!
Now with my hairband, I can see everything clearly!

Ranpical Pictures:

Went for Nafa Test the other day.
And guess what?!
My standing board jump is still as sucky as ever! :(

I don't know who the hell took my camera and use it to take this stupid picture below:

Alright! I'm going to end this entry now already and back to do my advertorial which I've been doing it since afternoon.
[I was actually doing it halfway through and I suddenly got the urge and feel like blogging, so here I comeeeeeee!]
Can I end off this entry with my 'act cutezxz' picture pleaseeeeeezxzxzxzxz ? :D

p/s: This entry is so not my writing style! o.o?!
p/p/s: Negative comments about my 'act cute' picture is strictly not allowed this time round, cause I like it... well, maybe not alot. But still, I'm going to delete them away once I see it okay! No no, I don't careeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :p