I like gummy bears!
August 17, 2008Cause it somehow taste like antibiotics!!
Am I wrong or what? But usually for all the gummy sweets I eat before, all those in red are all very inedible because of the taste. Just like eating medicine like that!
Anyway, this is somehow interesting!
It's from an email I receive very very long ago and I don't care even if some of you have already seen it before (which I think many do), as I'm still going to post it all up cause I haven't finish editing my pictures yet! =x

Then you'll have,

(Well in any case, I don't think you should ever try to do such a things okay!!! As in cooking wooden chopsticks, cause we don't know whether it's safe or not? I'm putting it up just for entertaining purpose, of course.)
It's quite gross isn't it?!
Now I wonder, if any of the dishes we eat outside those restaurant actually used chopsticks as one of their ingredient?? I don't know whether how true is it about using chopstick and cooking it to a dish since all these pictures is from email!
But the chopstick is made from wood, so I think eating it is still quite alright huh?
If the chopstick is made of plastic then I guess.....
I can say BYE BYE to you already!! :D
p/s: Sorry sorry!!! To those who asked me for the links for the online shop that I purchased those stuff which I updated like 2 entries back, I actually wanted to do a short update below the entry but I totally forget about it!! Was busy busy busy.
Anyway, it's actually from a Taiwan Spree that some blog shops organised, but I didn't save or bookmark the url of those blog shops after I purchased from them. So I also can't give you the links, but I think many blog shops did organised spree and all you have to do is spend some time to blog(shop) hop!! :)
p/p/s: All thanks to the fucking weather which made the impulsive me snap off my hair 2 days back!! Very humid recently lor! I really cannot stand it!!! But after the hair cut, mummy and Angie commented that it was really fugly! Argh! Damnit. You all still want to see meah??!