Mandarin Glow.
August 28, 2008I went to buy paint for my room today already!!
It's like finally lor, after so long.
And I'll spend these few days at home to paint my room, also to throw whatever is needed to be thrown then, I will can welcome my new furniture (which will be not so soon as I think I've spend alittle too much recently).
But I'm going to throw away my wardrobe tomorrow!!!!!!!!
Even if I do not have a proper place to store my clothes, which mum is really worried about me throwing all my clothes around the house... I'm still so going to throw the wardrobe away and I just don't care.
AHHH. I don't feel like elaborating more now but I'll blog more about it and my room when it's completed!! And I shall not talk about my room revamp anymore (cause I see no point in it) till it's done! Anyway, Angie is now behind on my bed reading a book which she claim to be fucking interesting.
This is the first time I see her that engross in reading man.
Okay, here comes the picture of my shorter hair!
And I realise it's not really that short in pictures but in real life, it's like quite SHORT lor. I'm serious.
But now my hair is growing at a pretty fast pace, so yah. I'm quite glad about that!! And when it reach the length I want, I'm going to give my hair some new colours! Yay!
Weeks back, We went over to town at around 10pm as we wanted to go over to Borders to look for some books!
We stayed till 12am, until it close.
After that.
Went to have my favourite, White Chocolate Dreams!!! Just slack around there, and then we went for a very late midnight movie.

I also want a new watch too!
I reckon I need to get a good one cause those $2 children watch that I'm wearing keep break off by itself when I wear it like only for a month or so?
No wonder it's just like 2 bucks.
And I really like her new Baby-G watch though, she told me it also comes in orange too!!! Or you all know where can I find nice polka dots watches? I think it's hard to find lor.
All I can find is like:

Looks like those cheapo plasticy kind which sells at Bugis Village!

Maybe there isn't any nice polka dots watches around still.

I also want to go suntanning!
But it's like raining almost everyday recently, how to go!!!

Okay, maybe you will see it better with flash and alittle bit of adjustment to the contrast:

Okayokay, I got to end this entry now cause we're heading out soon to have Mc Griddles and then follow by a good sleep!!
Oh shit!! I almost forgotten about painting my room.
p/s: Sorry if I'm like not blogging that frequently though I say I will. It's just that whenever I'm about to start blogging, something would happen and bother me that much which makes me forget about what to blog or even have no mood to blog at all! :(