Just a short update!
May 14, 2009Couldn't sleep, so here to update alittle!
Anyway, more pictures of me in my orange hair!! :)
In case you're wondering what's the pole or the thingy that is in the picture, it's actually my window grill. Ha!
Using the sunlight as a lighting is not that bad you know!
Went for the ftt test the other day and guess how's my result?

I was really elated plus abit of shock at that point of time when I see a green colour box with PASSED on the computer screen!!!
Cause I didn't really study for it this time round (unlike btt where I studied so hard for it yet failed 2-3 times! Damn fucked up!) and I only read through once the night before as I didn't have time to study, was all along busy with my great grandmother's funeral.
Yay! Time to start my practical lesson soon! :D

Some of you people might know I actually own one before!!
But I sold it away the other time cause I didn't really play it that time, and partly because of the colour. And I bought it once again cause out of the sudden, I feel like playing it!!!! :D
Was hooked onto Rhythm Heaven!!!
(Not now anymore, cause I'm stuck at the 6th remix!)
And the whole group of us, Fingers, is playing it together competing one another to see who's ahead at a higher remix! I'm currently STILL at the 6th remix.
But very lazy to continue the game already cause it's very hard to clear the stage man, angie is crazy cause she completed the whole game with 49/50 medal -.-! Crazy anot you say!
Well, I guess those who didn't play this game doesn't even know what I'm talking about.... Ha!

Dinner with yiyang after helping him for the photoshoot!

Meeting up with him makes me think of the days when we're working at Muji with lindy, shao wei and all.
It's really damn funnnnn yo!

p/s: I'm officially graduating from NP tomorrow! Omg! :(
p/p/s: Went to Angie's graduation ceremony yesterday with Zj and I'm glad that I did decided to attend my ceremony in the end cause it's like a once in a life time thing! Why did I thought of not going in the first place??? I must be SJB*!
p/p/p/s: Oh! Helping nutty here! Go to this website and vote for her! Eh, yes. Her name is Nadia lah not Nutty! :)
p/p/p/p/s: I know this is a mundane post, just get over it!
*Shen Jing Bing