Before I start ranting...
August 16, 2009I've got to clear away all my overdue pictures!!!
There's really alot and it has been in my draft since really long! So I'm going to blog them all up in this entry before I post up my ranty entries!
Here it goes...
A night out at Labrador park.

Went to Labrador park with my poly mates to chill cause we basically got nothing much to do that night and was bored!
It's really a good thing to have friends who drive man!

Some pictures we took there:

Boardgames freak; part 1.
Think I did mention before, almost all my poly mates love to play boardgames and they can spend atrocious amount of money on buying them!
Freaking crazy leh!
To me it's kinda waste of money to spend like hundreds over bucks just to buy those games lah! But well... maybe it's their interest and hobbies so I can't comment much, as they will answer me back that I spend money changing gadgets too, which they think is also kinda wasting of money!
But hello? How can boardgames ever be compared to gadgets??
They must be mad =/
Anyhow, back to topic!
So they all wanted everyone to get together to have some boardgames session and we all met up at West Coast Park!

Before we start playing:

And all of them are interested in getting one, and that was quite long ago lor. So I think now most of them should have gotten it already!

And the game starts....

Cause the game is pretty hard to learn and play, so it's kind of stuck at one player for quite sometime so ended up all of us gets bored of it!
But to make up for that, there's many cute prints on the cards!

Boardgames freak; part 2.
Just nice when my poly mates were all crazy about boardgames, Hasbro send me 2 games of theirs for me to try out!
One is Monopoly deal (which everyone loves it), another is Risk!
And so, when they wanted to meet up for another game session.. I bought Monopoly deal along for all of us to try out!

and also chips + drinks!
We started off by playing Monopoly deal first!

At first, before we even start playing it right.. we already have the thinking that this game should be pretty boring cause when they heard the word 'Monopoly', they think it's like the usual long, time wasting and boring game!
But after we started playing it, we all think otherwise!!!
Cause it's mad awesomely fun!!!

p/s: Okay, if you don't mind.. this entry is going to end abruptly here! Boooo!