Initial stage of botak, 5 months back.
November 08, 2009Mad crazy! This year seems to pass so fast!
It seems to get even faster ever since I'm enlisted into the army! :(
Just now when I was looking through all the pictures in my HDD, I then realise that I haven't even blog about stuffs which are like, 5 months ago?!!
Anyhow, shall clear them off bit by bit! :)

First time on the ferry to Pulau Tekong!
I still remember at that point of time, when mummy is snapping pictures of me, I was trying to act calm and telling them I'm alright!!!
But actually, I was fucking nervous inside!!!!!!

My loves sending and accompany me there!
Had to confine there for 2 weeks, and when we're are all able to go back home after the crazy 2 weeks, I remember we're all smiling non stop!
Here's me, back home on my first book out...

You can obviously see how happy I am!!!

She's my idol since I was 12, so how can I ever miss her concert?!
I was so excited when I know about the concert and immediately, I went to get 2 tickets ($148) and brought ran along for the concert!!!
Though he's not really a fan of hers, but still he's more than willing to tag along since it's free for him as I'm the one who paid for the tickets! :)

Me & Ran seated and waiting for the concert to start!

The stage when it's about to start....

All her fans!!
Took afew pictures when she's singing:

Didn't really took much pictures cause I'm too engrossed on her awesome performance (I sing like crazily loud along with her) and wanted to enjoy the whole concert, and not busy snapping away!

Went for a movie and then, Starbucks to chill after that:

I ❤ Green Tea Latte!

Guess which is mine?

Random: How much tanner I've become after entering ns!

Random 2: This the book I bought and talk about on Twitter!

I'm all dressed up in RED!

Me, Angie, Ting & Kx!

Zj and his date!

Kids in front of us!

I love her, she's damn funny!

With Angie!

Many many many hearts!

This is mine! Hahaha!

With angie again, with our lighted up heart!

Hmmm.. it looks pretty disturbing much?!

Candid shot!

Random 3: My horrible leg after getting hurt in army!

Brought mummy there to dine cause she say before she likes to listen to live band playing while dining and she haven't been doing that since long!
And before that we went for movie too!

A shot of us by mummy!

Roasted duck pizza! Yums!

ME ME ME with my drink!

Hope she did enjoy herself that day! :)

Jiawei & Weibin choosing over what to eat!

My 3 closest & best buddies there!

My soft shell crab set!

Individual shots with them:

With Ivan!

With Weibin!

With Jiawei

I miss them alotttt!! :( :( :(
p/s: Anyone know where to download the whole series of the cartoon, Captain Planet??? I wanna watch in camp at night when I'm bored!
p/p/s: Seriously, Captain Planet is one of the awesome cartoon I ever watch!! Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart!! Muhahahahahahaha!
p/p/p/s: Why does everyone comment saying I'm looking much better now than before?! Are you all sureeeeeeee about that?!! I thought I looked way better with my hair! Nooooo?! Tsk tsk tsk!