Corby your life with Samsung!
December 01, 2009Sponsored Advertorial

Omg! Omg! Omg! Finally!!!
I've been complaining and ranting for so long about how boring and mundane most of the phones colours are, as they are either in black or silver or....
Aiya! Basically, most of them are in dark colours!!!
And how much I want my phone to be in brighter colour, especially orange! Thus I even fork out money and went to mask my phone to orange!!
Though there's some slight improvement lately, as we can see that red and white colour is getting more and more common for phones!
But that's still not good enough!!
What about other colours??
What about people who loves and wants a colourful phone??
Do we always have to go masked our phones to the colours we want??
And the answer to you (and my) questions is....
Just take a look at this new colourful phones by Samsung!!!

Samsung Corby!
Finally something pretty, colourful and with great functions is here!!!
And Samsung being really nice, loan me their new colourful Corby phone to let me try and to test it out then to share with you guys!!!!
So here is me with Samsung Corby:
(To my surprise there are 2 phones in the Corby family! See below!)

It comes in Touch Screen!!

And also comes in QWERTY Keypad!!
How mad awesome is that???!!
Totally caters to everyone! Cause some people prefer touch screen but others might not fancy it that much (like meeee!), so now you can choose which ever you prefer more and don't have to compromise yourself to like it eventhough you don't really like touch screen or keypad phones!!
Other than that, here are some great features!!!

Lots of applications and widgets for you to choose from and place it at the side bar (which you can hide it) for the usage of them as your ease!
A plus point to this mobile! Cause it's mad cuteeeeeeee!! :D

Home Page with 3 different cute background to choose from!

Menu Page is also really cute!!

Trying it out with the picture I took! Honeystar!
Another useful function that allows us to examine images up close or even when browsing web pages with just one finger!!

You can just drag and drop the Twitter icon from the sidebar
if you wanna use it!

Cute widget: Number of days you stop smoking!

Lots of widgets/application popping up to you with just one click!
Now we can update your status via Facebook, Myspace and even Twitter through this service and got no problems seeing your friend's updates too!

Enjoy your favourite music on the go!

This function is what you need to impress the others with your wide range of vocabulary! Muahaha! Random though!

Now, you can have your phone in whatever colour you want!!
Samsung Corby comes in changeable colourful fashion jackets covers with ergonomic curve design (thus giving us a firm and easy hold)!
For mine, obviously will be in orangeeeeeeeeeee! Ha! :D

After seeing how great this phone is......
I'm sure you guys would like to own these colorful Samsung Corby right!
I'm sure you guys would like to own these colorful Samsung Corby right!
Here is your chance!!!!!
All you need to do is just write an opening to your story and with their fun facebook application, post your words, invite your friends/family to continue!!
And on that could take you to the prize of 10 phones from the Samsung Corby family!
Its okay if you're not sure!
Scroll down more to see the step by step guide to follow! :)
So here are the steps!

3. After you've logged in, follow the link to their Facebook application.

4. Now you can start your own story thread and begin posting! Be creative!

5. And do invite your friends to add on to the story. After that you can continue where your friends left off, and so on!
So so so...
Join me in the longest yarn HERE and get a chance to win yourself, the new Samsung Corby phones!