Discover learning at PSB Academy!
March 17, 2010Sponsored Advertorial
Everyone knows that I'm now currently serving the nation.
Thus, alot of people (be it family or friends) will start asking me, what I wanna do after I've completed nation service!
Which makes me goes.. Zzzzzzzzzzzz!
Cause many of them don't really encourage me to go work in the society straight away but wants me to further my studies, which is not what I wanted and plan to do. But after much brainwash by them, I'm starting to open up and look at what various institutions have to offer and just nice....
PSB Academy invited me to experience life at their campus!

Over at PSB Academy, with their logo at the back!
It's great cause I did notice about PSB Academy before as I've seen their ads on newspaper & magazines and I also get to know that they are one of the largest independent education and training institutions in Singapore (Over 4 decades of experience with 400 lecturers and 50,000 students each year).
And and and the best thing is that...
PSB Academy has established international ties with prestigious universities from the US, UK and Australia! Which is what I'm looking for!!!
Will touch more about that later and for now, I shall bring you guys for a tour around PSB Academy and me being student back for a day!!!
Lectures & Tutorial...
Electrical Engineering!

Okay lah, this is actually their tutorial lesson!
Cause I was late thus missed the lecture part! Hohohoho! :/

Me sitting in the lesson!

Students clarifying doubts!

Lecturer trying best to explain!

With the 'motherly feel' lecturer!
It's the same as what I've experience in polytechnic!
A smaller group for tutorial lessons so that the lecturer can be more focus in teaching all the students and of course, a conducive environment!
Practical lessons...

Candid shot at their practical lab!!

Girl: "Eh? How to start ah?" Boy: *scratch head*

Well, there's always lecturer for you to ask!

I think I got learn this before!!!

Working on the practical work!

All the calculations stuff!

Random shot before I leave the lab to walk around!
Taking a look at the facilities...

Fyp students got their own individual rooms!

Computer rooms for students that wants to use them!

Saw colourful wires!

Another practical lab!
They've got like loads of different well equip labs for the engineering students to use and to get hands on with! Just like this huge machine here!

Name as above!

One of the lab technician showing me how to operate it!


Very very complicated....
But at least I know what is it for!!!!
It's used to calculate the ampere and readings of the DC motor! Practically, to show how the DC motor works and stuff! Should be lah hor??!!
Hahahaha! Oh gosh! I'm such a lousy student! :(

Trying out abit...

But it's too complicated thus I just pose in the end!

Hahaha! But seems real right?!

They also have a mini library!

Which is solely cater for all engineering related books!
I also get to meet 2 fyp students while walking about!
And they're doing their fyp projects, so I went in and disturb them alittle and ask them to show me what they are doing and let me take some pictures!

First fyp student I met!

Trying to show me how it works!

Too chim for me to understand! Zzzzzzz!
Camwhoring with his fyp project work:

"Waaaaaah! Like fun eh!"

*Poke poke poke poke*

"Eh? How to play with this??"

"Aiya! Just pose for pictures lah!"

Another guy!

More more more over at PSB Campus...

At one of their wall....

Shows that there are alot of students from different countries!

Main library!

Computers are readily available for the students to use!

Me at one of the cute corner they have in the library!

Popular book store & food stalls!

Basketball court!

Gymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm too!!!!!

Students can use whenever they want!

Random facts about Blogging I came across there!
That's about it!
So now I shall talk about University of Newcastle, Australia (UoN)!!
What I've experience through is actually students there that are taking up, Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)! They have Mechanical too!
And obviously. there are others degree courses too!!
But since I'm there to experience the Engineering degree courses, I'll then talk more about it! And you might not know that for the Engineering degree that UoN is offering in PSB Academy it is listed as one of the Approved Universities/Institutions among NTU, NUS etc (source here) for IES!
Which is really great and nice to hear on that!

So so so...
If you need any information about the degree programme offered by UoN or even any programme or course by PSB Academy you guys can head over to their website: Click here to check our their preview session for their full time degree programme OR alternatively you can call them up at 65172525 for quicker response!
p/s: Oh! I also heard that there are Study Grant for Engineering degree courses too! Do check with them for more info! :)