There's more to, The Cathay.
March 24, 2010Sponsored Advertorial

Let me bring you all on a day trip to,
The Cathay!

The first one I'm bringing you people to is (as you all can see from above) Beluga, where they only sell men's apperals! Yay for all the guys!
They have a pretty wide range of apparels which includes; berms, tee-shirt, button shirt, long sleeves shirt, cardigans, shoes, bags etc.

Their stuff are all layout neatly which makes shopping there much easier!

Looking at their clothes...

Eh! I quite like this one! Hahaha!

Their store is spacious, which I really like and you can even sit there to read some magazines while waiting for your boyfriend/friend to shop there!

Next one is, woodwould! Cute name right!
They sell all kinds of little different cutesy stuff like notebooks, pens, cards, toys, boxes etc. You can find all pretty stationery there!

See! They really have loads of different stuff!

Trying to take picture with the vintage tricycle!
HAHAHA! I still remember when I wanted to take this picture, the person there (which I presume is the owner) was abit reluctant lor!
I think she's scared that I'll break it or something!
Wahlao! I where got so fat! Hahahahahaha! :D

Cute ladybird tic-tac-toe!


Finally it's the ladies turn!!!!
Egg3 sells ladies apparels & accessories! If I don't remember wrongly, they also do have a small collection for mens' too! How great!


Ting & Kx was there with me!

Different style of clothings can be found there!

One of my favourite store there (actually all I listed are), cause their stuff are pretty arty farty designer-ish! Not to say, pretty unique too! Like you don't really see them anywhere else but here, at Clique!

Their name card! "Spend more live more" sounds good!

Wallet? Notebook? Cards? Go find out yourself! :)

Leather pouches, wallets etc.

We love this plasticy hangbag!
And 3 of us (yes, including me) thought of getting them cause they look so colourful and..... I just like lah!! The orange one!!!!
We were like discussing about it and that leads to people that come into the stores also went to take a look at those bags! So in the end I saw them buying the orange one lor!!! See! I is can push sales!! Hahaha!

But I prefer this orange bag more!

More more and more pouches!

Colourful bear bear for body scrub! :D

Their store name clearly says who is it for!
It's a mad awesome store for guys cause all our basic grooming needs all can be found there! Facial products, fragrances.. basically from head to toe!


Attractive facial & body products!

Shaving brush! Seen them before?

Grooming set!

Is where you can find FOOD FOOD FOOD!!!!!
From small bites to main courses! Though other level also got a few, this whole basement is solely dedicated food stores!! Yummmyyyyy!!!
(Okay, maybe except for one! But whatever lah! Still, it's mainly food right!)

Well, just listing a few stores there!

Lan gaming? Claw crane toy machine? All at E2Max!
Eh! Sooo how was it?!!
For most of us, we didn't know or even realise that The Cathay is more than just the cinema, but filled with loads of other entertianment as well! :)
Above are just some of the awesome stores that they had hiddden there!
I can be frank to you guys that I've never really shop there before, but I went this time round (cause of this advert) and I was pretty amazed at what the stores there have to offer and some are really pretty and unique!
So if you're free or at town, do drop by The Cathay to walk around and shop shop shop! You'll never know if you will find any gems there! :)
And and and.... what's more is that....
The Cathay have come up with a new pretty website of theirs:
There you can find the latest promotions (ie; Strip - "Enjoy 50% off your first Brazilian or Boyzilian!"), events (ie; The Cathay Shopping Showcase up coming in Apirl), store directory (easy to locate online which store you're looking for) and last but not least.......
Their Mailing list where you guys should totally sign up for latest updates and promotions being sent right to your inbox!
Neat and sweet, go check it out if you haven't!

p/s: For all the Facebook siao, you all can join, The Cathay on facebook fan page ( where you guys will also be updated with latest promos, events, contests & giveaways! :)