Flashing lights! Dad's bday!
April 04, 2010
Me and my lil bro! ♥

I swear this is candid, but real nice!

Anyway! Those were pictures of us (plus mummy) dining at some Japanese resturant on the actual day of my birthday itself!!
Had my birthday party in advance cause my actual birthday falls on a weekday, and I want almost everyone to make it! So on the actual day itself, I took off from army and get home to celebrate with my family!
And I told mummy I need to get a cake, a slice at least AGAIN!!
Cause I realised that I actually didn't make any wishes during the birthday party celebration when I was cutting the cake! Guess I was too excited and nervous hence, I totally forgotten about it soooo....

We bought a slice of cheesecake!

Finally! Making wishes!
When we're buying the slice of cake, we also decided to get our Dad a birthday cake too, as his birthday falls the day after mine!
Since he works during the night and come back only in the day, we all went to sleep and woke up at 5am just to sing birthday song for him and to cut the cake with him! Then after that, we all went back to sleep again! Hahaha!

So cute! Got small hearts on the wordings!

The 4 sleepy us!
(Don't mind if we look horrible cause it's hard to look good
especially when you just woke up from bed!)

Why Daddy copy the facial expression on how we take our photos!

Me ♥ Dad!