The journey of my wisdom tooth surgery
May 08, 2011Note: Sorry for the quailty of the pictures as it's all taken by mummy using her iPhone!
Okay, so as you all know I went for my wisdom tooth surgery like 2 days back!
Until now people still ask me why do I wanna go for the surgery when all my 4 wisdom tooth are not out yet and all buried deeply inside! They think that I've nothing better to do and want to make myself suffer this shit! But I somehow got reasons lah! You think I'm mad or what ah!
Cause firstly, I was intending to do braces/invisalign so I was told to better remove all my wisdom tooth just in case next time when it grows out, it will affect my "done" straight teeth! Another thing is as it's fully subsides by SAF, so I thought why not do it now rather than next time when it erupts, will be more torturing lor! So I thought must well just do it now right?!
And I didn't know the surgery cost up to 1.7k you know! It's so expensive!
But after the surgery, I kinda question myself again, why do I wanna go through it cause the swelling is so bad that my face is like 2x of the usual and it's so horrible now that I can't even bite or eat anything at all! It's like that one right, always regret after doing something!
Aiya! But I just really hope the swell can subside soon! :(

Went to KTPH for the surgery! Totally love the hospital!

Was asked to change to the surgical clothing(?), which I didn't know it was so serious!

While waiting for the surgery! And I waited for like 3 hours!

Then after that, I finally went in for my first ever surgery in my life!
And when I went into the surgery operation room right, I was totally shocked cause all of the sudden, all the nurses rushed in, and got one nurse tell me that they heard from the nurses outside saying that you're very good looking, that's why all wanna come see how you look like!
I was like, "Omg! I'm flattered" but I so don't have mood for this now! As I'm scared!
And once the doctor say he's going to inject the anesthesia, I soon after didn't know what actually happen as I'm asleep already! Until when I was awake, there's around 4-5 nurse crowding around me and saying, "Oh! Benjamin! You're finally awake!".
And the first thing I asked was really bimbotic, cause I said, "Do I look very ugly now?". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I KNOW RIGHT! I'm like so ridiculous!
What's funny is that, one of the nurse still went to take a mirror for me to see how I look like!
And they say it's not very swollen and I still look good (obviously lying to me), then after that I fell back to sleep again! Prolly due to the effect of the anesthesia that has not gone yet!

My 4 wisdom tooth! AND ALL LIKE SO SMALL ONE!!!!!
I seriously think it will not erupt or grow out lor! I didn't know it's so small! I see other people's wisdom tooth is like damn huge one eh! Damn! Make me feel like I suffer for nothing!
And behold, the picture that you guys wanna see the most.....

Mummy took super alot of pictures and keep laughing at me until I scolded her and ask her to go away! Cause it's so annoying when I'm in pain and the anesthesia effect is like still there makes me really blur yet she keep laughing and annoying me by talking rubbish to me lor!
And I stayed there till 7.30pm (which I reach about 12.30pm and went for surgery at about 3pm), due to the excessive bleeding on my wounds! I'm like the last patient to leave the surgery centre!

Keep bleeding non stop and have to keep changing the gauze!

Before I left the surgery centere, the even nurse went to make oats for me! So sweet right!
Overall the experience is pretty okay, partly because all the nurses and doctors there are really nice to me and treat me damn well! So maybe that's why I feel really comfortable and safe there!
Now my face is still swelling badly, couldn't really eat anything and I only can sallow food down! And my lower lips and teeths are still numb! I think it's one of the side effects for doing this surgery cause beforehand they told me that my lower nerves might be injured during the surgery.
And I can't imagine that they actually place tubes down through my nose and my throat during the surgery! Thanks to general anesthesia, if not I think I'll be so freaked out! Hahaha!
Oh! And thanks for all your concern and wishes yea! Really appreciate it! :)
Now I just wish to recover fast! *prays*
p/s: Ran yesterday told me that I shouldn't take pictures when my face is swollen cause if not it won't recover one! Shit! Like that how?! No wonder the swell doesn't gone any better!
What are the odds I got my teeth out just 3 weeks ago :D ! Your ugly swolleness should only last 1 and a 1/2 weeks :P and then when you hit the 2 week benchmark you should be able to eat again!!! ^-^