Philips - Future Living Spaces contest!
September 13, 2011Sponsored Advertorial
As some of you guys might have know, that Singapore is currently facing aging population, climate change and urbanization! Well, if you did pay attention in school or have been catching up with the news, I'm sure you guys will know about it! Which I think it's essential for all of us to know lah!
And all these problems are really surfacing out as days goes by, and becoming issues that all of us need to be worry about! I think I can relate more to the issue of aging population, as I did studied about this before in school and you can also see around us that there are more and more elderly among us where the proportion of residents aged 65 and above increased from 7.0% in 1999 to 8.8% in 2009!
All these issues are like so real and is happening around us, did you even stop and notice it?
So as citizens, we need to play a part of for nation, where problems are arising and young future leaders like us should do something about it! So here's a question for you and me...

So these are my ideas for the future living spaces in Singapore, for the next 10 t0 15 years....
For sustainable living, as there are growing green consciousness among us, I hope all our HDB flats/buildings roof top can be all covered with plants and trees! Something like this:

It's called green roofing!
Where some of the benefits of it are, it's able to moderate building temperatures, reduce the heat
island effect and pull pollution from the air! And it will be really pretty too, if all our buildings are all
green roof-ed! It can also further enhance the 'Clean & Green' image of Singapore as well!
As for aging population, one of the most concern issues is that elderly want public transport to be nearer to them or be more accessible to their home place! So I suggest the idea of to have more (which they have now, but can build more) housing that are custom-built for elderly living (with elder-friendly features) and having it all really near to all the different modes of public transport!

Errrrrr.... Hmmmmm... *running out of ideas*

If you're students of local tertiary institutes, now it's your chance to show the world your innovative concept for future living spaces in Singapore (like how I shown my earlier)! It can be a solution to the challenges of climate change, an aging population, increasing urbanization or crowded cities!
If you have any idea to improve the way people live 10 to 15 years into the future, WE WANT YOU!
All you have to do is to submit your creative ideas to:
Where Howard Shaw from Singapore Environment Council and Tai Lee Siang of Singapore Institute of Architects are amongst the esteemed panel of judges will then select three winning entries based on innovativeness, originality and feasibility of the idea! And of course there are prizes!!!
There are prizes worth over $10,000 in cash and Philips products for each of the 3 winners!
So let your creativity and imagination run wild and come out with something that can improve how we live and our future living spaces in the next 10 to 15 years now! *don't copy my idea hor! hahaha!*

Contest specially for you guys who reads my blog only!!!!
In conjunction with that, there will also be a Twitter contest running on my blog, or I can say on my Twitter for you guys where you just simply need to tweet and win a pair of movie vouchers!!!!
All you have to do is really simple....
2. Mention me (@typicalben) and share with me some ideas you have for this contest
(eg. like what I mention 'green roofing' etc.) and end it of with the hashtag (#livingspaces)!

A winner will be selected amongst the all your twitter posts and a pair of movie vouchers will be given to you by Philips! Yay! That simple and easy so start tweeting me and share with me your ideas now! :D
Note: This Twitter contest will end on this coming Friday, 16th Sep at 23.59!

p/s: For those who missed it earlier, the link again to the contest HERE and do note that the date deadline for submission is on the 26th September 2011! Hope you guys win something! Good luck! Xx