
Why hurt yourself? // Thejconcept

September 12, 2011

(Advert with pictures of me below the wordy rant!)

I don't like it when I see my close friends get all so emo nemo because of relationship problems.

Worse is when they purposely wanna carry on making themselves sad and not wanting to try to move on. Sigh! Please don't say I cannot relate to them or say things like because I'm not in their shoes before, so how would I know! Wait, so you mean I never fell in love before?

Sometimes I really can relate to their problems maybe because I've been through it before and know how torturing it can be! Don't understand why people would wanna let someone hurt you over and over again? Once is okay, twice is okay, but not that many times cause I don't think if that someone care or love you, he/she will wanna hurt you umpteen times! I know that feelings can't be controlled, and you cannot stop yourself from falling in love with someone. But if you tried so hard and always getting hurt in the end, with the other party not acknowledging or not feeling least appreciated on what you do, shouldn't you stop after thousands or millions of tries? Or you just wanna continue and hurt yourself? Or maybe you like it?

I know people might say persistent and determination is good, and you will never know if the other party will end up falling in love with you when you keep trying and waiting for him/her for years.

But what is the probability out of it? Or you sure you can handle and manage all the hurt all by yourself?

If you think that you can then you shouldn't be crying or emo-ing everytime cause nobody as a friend would like or want their friends to be like that. We only can tell you to give up and move on, not in a bad way, but maybe you will be happier? There are still so many wonderful things in life, so many new people to meet. Just take it that the person is losing out this awesome chance to get to know you or even be together with you. Life have to go on. I see no point in always feeling sad for someone when that other party might be enjoying himself/herself outside not even least bother about you or it's like maybe you don't even come across their mind at all. Prove to them and show them it's their lost of not having you!

And to those people who dare not to love, really shame on you. I super don't get it why people wanna lie or stop themselves from loving someone when they obviously know that they have feelings for? Life is so fragile and short, dare to love cause you might not know, what will happen to all of us tomorrow...


Whatever! For now, have some chicken rice!

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Yay! Check out the 3 new apparels that I've gotten from thejconcept!


1st: Grey tribal shirt!
(Which I totally love the design of it! Cute eh!)


2nd: Blue demin berms!
(The front has some rugged torn feel & at the back, a flag printed on!)


3rd: Navy-blue mandarin collar shirt!
(A simple design but with the mandarin collar, it makes it alittle different!)

So here we have another awesome online store that caters for guys out there which carry unique and exclusive designs clothing at an affordable price! And what's best is that all the clothing are in asian size!

And and and, they have just launched their new collection too:



p/s: And for my awesome readers only, do quote "typicalben", to get 10% off the total bill!

p/p/s: Bonus! Get a chance to win freebies with a mininum purchase of one item (which entitle you to one chance) during certain period of each month where they will have a special event! So the more you buy, the more chances to win! (Each event there will be only one customer get to win the freebie!)

p/p/p/s: Also, do join their mailing list to receive latest updates & promotions!


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  1. typo- apparels not apperals :)
    btw u looked really good in them~

  2. Anonymous8:03 pm

    room tour! room tour!!! :D

