What am I doing recently + Ran's 21st birthday!
December 03, 2012I've been sleeping so much lately, I thought I've become sleeping beauty hahaha! No joke okay! :p
But anyway, since I came back to Singapore from Taiwan, I've been rushing all the work that has been due so quite a number of sleepless night plus I wasn't really feeling well for the first few days when I'm back too! And during the Taiwan trip right, my left shoulder kinda was "sprain" and I couldn't really lift up my left arms at all, it's really quite painful and annoying cause I'm there to enjoy myself leh! End up sometimes I still need Ran to help me undress myself wtf. Lololol I know that sounds abit wrong but its true lor :/
But I went to shifu there to ask him to help me "fixed" it (I did blogged about him before previously), so my arms are now better! But it was really painful, I guess 'no pain no gain' really fits in well here!
I'll blog about Taiwan trip, but not so soon I guess! I still got alot of pictures that I wanna blog about first before Taiwan trip! So I guess for those who are anticipating it, you all gotta wait awhile for it! :D
Oh and I'll be going to Malacca this Wednesday till Friday with my family and relatives!!!!!
It's kinda a last minute decision and since I'm having school holidays now and got nothing much to do (except blogging lolol) I might as well go right! But Ran is not going though, cause he got no annual leave left anymore! Actually he got lah, like one day but it's not enough also! Will be going with mummy, daddy and my maternal side relatives which I all super love cause we all can click super well!
Grandma and grandpa will be going too! I think total is around 14 of us!!! I like go Malacca so many times with family already lor, and our last trip to Malacca during last year I also haven't blog about it yet somemore! Maybe I'll go dig it up and blog alittle cause I took alot of pictures eh!
If not like very wasted right, if never blog hahaha! But our face also change liao leh I think, and that time I haven't even wear invisalign yet! Aiya, will see how! Most likely will blog one, if I'm not lazy to edit lol!

Playing with the balloons over at Ran's 21st birthday party!
His birthday party was held during September which is his birthday month and he booked a suite over at MBS and it was really huge! Some pictures from his birthday party below! I kinda grabbed most of them from his blog though, so if you wanna read the full detailed version, can go over and read!

The view of the suite!

The master bedroom!
And there's still a karaoke room as well which I'm not posting the picture up lah! But overall the suite is quite big and spacious! It's like bigger than our 4-room flat lor, so you can roughly imagine how big is it!

The poster that he did for his party!

The ballooonnnnnsssssss!!

Mirror self shot!

Fooooood!!! Pretty cupcakes!!!

Some chicken wings, fishballs (which I hate) and etc etc.

Éclairs and cream puffs!

Drinks in the bath tub!

All the family and friends that attended his party!

Him making wishes!

I'm tired that day cause I keep running around to fetch all the guests up and
also helping him to take pictures! See! Got evidence one lololol!

Family group picture!

Fingers came as well! So happy that they all dote on Ran alot too!

That's all!!!! And I realise I haven't really post any pictures of my orange hair (previous hair colour) up here on my blog here! Next entry will be it then! Plus there will be special discount for you guys if you guys wanna do hair over at my salon as well! So wait for the next entry k, which will be up tomorrow! :D
Bye and I shall go carry on be sleeping beauty already! Hahaha! But say real one, the weather really nice to sleep in nowadays hor! Keep raining non stop! But I'm going out tomorrow, so it better not rain! K bye!
Out of curiosity Ben, which blog post of yours is the most viewed one? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW LEHHHH!!! Is it your room tour? or any posts around year 2008?