Hair going bright red!
March 21, 2013Okay, time to blog about my red hair that I had 1-2 months back! :D
I must first clarify that I didn't expect the colour to turn out to be that red, because I didn't want to have red hair (was thinking of dark maroon) but I don't know why after dyeing, it turns out to be so red omg! I was pretty shocked by the outcome of the final colour, when they wash away the dye! Anyway for this red hair, I just randomly went to do it over at some neighbourhood salon together with Zj! Hahaha!
But my red hair was pretty short-lived (for less than 2 weeks?), cause after that I got really sick of it and went to tone down the colour to darker shade with henna dye, which I'll blog about it next time!
So I didn't get to take much pictures with my red hair, eventhough it seems that there's alot of people that love me in red hair as compared to other colours! Are you guys serious??!! I still think I look the best in the blonde shades of hair colour eh! I think I should stick to that, and stop changing anymore lol! :x

Picture of me with my red hair after I just dyed it!

And here's a collage picture of me in red hair that I posted on Instagram! :D

An impromptu chill session with Angie, Ting and Zj over at Harry's Bar the other day!

Another one with flash while waiting for Zj to come!

Anyway our same Fingers bff's iPhone case! Minus Kx cause she couldn't make it that day!

Nah show you guys my forehead lol!
Okay, I need to rush to go do my projects already! I'm like multitasking now, I'm blogging while doing projects with JJ over at Google Drive lolololol (have you guys used it before? it's pretty good! can discuss and both edit the file at the same time!). So I need to go off now! Blog again tomorrow! Bye! :D