Kx's convocation
July 22, 2013
Went for bff, Kx's convocation few weeks back! So proud of her! :')

All of us felt super touched and nervous while waiting for her turn! We also screamed really loud for her when it's her turn to be up on the stage! Hahaha that's what best friends are for right!

Family photo! ♥

With Kx, the second one among us to graduate from uni! :D

Selfie shot with the Kx's graduation bear hahaha!

Another one!

Went to have lunch afterwards! Jap food again omg.

With Angie's minion toy!!!! It's so cute wtf.

I wanted to buy but I couldn't get hold of any because it's like sold out at all the mcdonalds outlets right after it came out for few hours! Everyone is queuing even before it starts selling! Crazy!
Took a video of it on my Instagram as well! For those who haven't watch it, here you go!
But I'm totally judging you for not following me there! Hahahaha! :p

"Bananaaaa! Potato-naaaa!"