
Kwerkee - Discover fresh content everyday !

November 24, 2013

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You know for me, when it comes to shopping or buying of stuff (either online or at physical stores), I always hope they will update their products offerings more often so whenever I go back to shop right, I can discover and find something new things to buy! Don't you find it very cool, if everyday you go to a shop and they will have new stuff that you didn't see the day before? Hahaha! Sounds quite cool right! :D

But seriously, how many shops actually do that? I think it's really rare or very few.

Because usually most of the shops will only update their new collection/products by batches or season and normally it ranges from weeks to months, so we will constantly see the same thing for at least few weeks before we get to see any new items. I know it gets really boring sometimes when we goes shopping cause it's always the same old thing, but what to do? There's nothing much we can do also isn't it.......

typicalben with kwerkee box

Not until now!!! Cause there is actually something we can look forward to daily when it comes to shopping, that I found out recently and I can't wait to share with you guys about it cause I seriously had so so so much fun shopping over there! You cannot imagine how crazy I went just by looking at what to buy because shopping there is pretty much an insane (in a good way) experience lolololol.

Yup! So recently I went onto kwerkee.com which in the end I literally went crazy as I couldn't decide what to get for myself because there are so many cool and unique products which you can't really find it normally outside and what excite me even more is that they update new fresh content everyday!!!!

kwerkee box

Yes, and that (new fresh content updated daily) to me... is really dope!

So other than having all the cool and unique products, they also update their products offerings daily...... and that is like best of both world already man! Hahahaha! Isn't it! Furthermore, they carry products ranges from basically everything to anything that you can ever think of. So awesomeeeeee!

I can't wait to show you guys all the stuff that I've gotten from them already! Shall we start, shall we??!

Anyway, if you're wondering... this dope box that I'm posing with is not a prop that I use to take pictures with only okay! It is the actual box that Kwerkee will send their products with that you bought from them! So they placed all the small little items that I gotten inside the box (love their presentation) when they shipped to me! But those bigger ones, that cannot fit, they place it in paper bags lah!

Okay now it's time to show you guys all the stuff I've gotten from kwerkee.com ^_^

Cath Kidston luggage

The first item that caught my eyes is this!!!
Omg can everyone just scream how cute and adorable this suitcase is!!!

typicalben with cute box

It's actually a kids suitcase from Cath Kidston but I think adults can also use it too! It's so super cute right! You can use it for picnic or photoshoots or use it as a bag when you go out even!

Cath Kidston luggage box

How to resist such a cute suitcase? I think we can't. And after using it, you also can pass to your cousins or niece/nephews to use (since it's meant for kids hahahaha). Put it to good use!

Cath Kidston box

Interior of the suitcase is in pretty blue! I think next time if got picnic with my friends, I'm so gonna use this suitcase! Can put all the stuff inside, super suit the picnic theme also hahahaha!

nixon watch

Next item that I gotten is this Nixon watch!

As you all know I'm really more of a practical person (hehehehe), so I would wanna get stuff that I would use and can use! And they do have a lot of lifestyle and fashion products as well that really suits me! Thus, how can I not get it right! It's been really long since I wore a white watch (last time I always wear white watch one) and I've been wanting to get one to wear recently! So lucky I'm able to find one there!

typicalben with nixon watch

Me with my new watch! I think it suits me quite well, so happy yay! :D

nixon watch on ben

I liked it when I first saw it and I thought the design is quirky and retro!

paul frank shades

Next is also another fashion item that I got from them! It's a shade from Paul Frank!

Honestly, I've been looking for a pair of shades recently as well because I lost the one that I always wear (no matter to overseas or wherever), so just nice when I came across this pair right, the colour and design is what I would wear! So of course must get lah! This design I never see it outside before too!

typicalben with paul frank shades

Yay to my new shades, finally!!!! Nice not nice not!! Hahaha!

lifestyle products from kwerkee close up

Apart from all the fashion items that I got, I also picked up some fun and cute items!!!!!

And yes, all of them are also very practical as well which all of us can buy to use or buy them as gifts!! I think you guys can really find many good and interesting stuff from them, which you can buy as presents for Christmas since it's coming really soon!!!! Yay!! Okay, show you the small cute stuff that I got......

lifestyle products from kwerkee

See!! All these makes really good gifts right (no matter for yourself or others)!

The bullet ice tray makers is so suitable for parties and the rest of the stuff like pouch (I really like leh, can put my portable charger lol), flash drive, speaker and pantone cup (very chio omg) can be a great gift for others or you can even buy and use them yourself. I'm gonna use the pantone cup really soon cause I love the grip and texture of the cup hahaha! It's also very fun while shopping at Kwerkee because...

Screen Shot 2013-11-24 at 2.39.30 pm

They have this trending page where it is a live feed that allows us to see what people want and buying at that very moment! Cool hor! You see, got 2 people just bought the Mimobot flash drive (that I also gotten above) but it is different design from mine lah! Theirs is in golden panda design! Hahaha!

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They also have Kwerkee Badges for all of us to earn our way to bigger rewards/savings!

Like the more active we are on Kwerkee, the more chances we can earn all these badges. Some will come with 'gifts' in the form of credits, which can be used for your next purchase. Or we can also earn credits for our next purchase just by completing tasks! Additional perks while shopping, awe-some-eeeeeee! :D

Okay I'm gonna carry on to show you what other stuff that I'm gotten from them!

typicalben selca mini dispenser fridge

Look at what I have in my arms!!!! Look omgggggg!!!!

typicalben with mini fridge

Yes, it is a super cool mini can dispenser fridge!!!!!
And it runs by electricity, so it is a real fridge and not just for show one!!

typicalben putting can drinks in mini dispenser fridge

Let me try and put it to use!!! Stocking up the can drinks!! Hahaha! Sorry, I gotta use carrot juice drink because I don't like to drink gassy drink, so the other best alternative in 'can form' is this lol.

typicalben mini can fridge

Okay I'm done!!! Now time to play!!!!!! :D

mini dispenser fridge top

The fridge is so pretty omg!! Can put inside my room or use it for parties!!
To be honest, I was really excited when I see this fridge cause it is so damn cool!!!

mini dispenser fridge button

Just press the button when you want the drinks and......




mini dispenser fridge bottom

It will drop down and there is your drink!! Hahahaha!! Super fun lor. I kept playing with it until all the can got dents and stuff because I keep pressing and putting it back and pressing! :x

mini dispenser fridge

But I think I got a feeling that I'll end up using it to put packet drinks or milk, or even sweets and chocolates if it is in my room! Hahaha! Good idea hor, just that it cannot dispense out only what!

Anyway, here is video of how it works if you are interested! Fun fun fun! :D

typicalben air purifier

I also picked out something really cool for my room also! This aroma diffuser! Hahaha!

Don't say I'm aunty hor, cause I wanted it for so long and Ran has it (mummy bought for him but not me T_T I jealous already hahaha)! So nevermind lah, now I get it myself! Really can't wait to use it but first, I think I must pack my room first! It's getting so messy and no where to put my diffuser!! Ooppps!!

corn dog machine maker

Last but not least, last but not least... A corn dog maker!!!!!!

Okay, I must say this is the item that gets me the most excitement from shopping there because I really love to eat corn dog!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Yes, because I love to eat it so now knowing that there is this cute little machine to make it myself and eat it at home, makes me super excited and happy!!!!!

Omg just tell me, who don't love to eat corn dogs??? WHO HUH???!! It's so yummy omg!!!

I love corn dog! I love corn dog! I love corn dog! I love corn dog!

corn dog machine maker inside

This corn dog machine can make up to 6 corn dogs at one go!!! Good eh!!!

And while I'm getting super excited about it, when the machine came, I then realise I don't know how to make it. Neither did my mum. Hahahaha! -_- Abit sian cause I don't know all these baking stuff one! So we anyhow went to google for receipe and trail and error to do our very first (6) corn dogs yay!!!!

cooking corn dog

Making the corn dog in progress!!! Sorry, no tutorial this time round ah!
Next time when I do until very yummy already then I'll do a tutorial hahahaha!

corn dog machine with fillings

Hahaha looks okay right! Just gotta put in more of the batter!

typicalben mummy

With mummy while waiting for the corn dog to be ready!

Luckily got her to help me if not I don't think I even know how to make out the batter eh! Or maybe I can make but really anyhow mix the flour and water together, which in the end.... there might be a possibility that there won't be any corn dogs pictures for this blog post at all! No end product! Hahahaha!

done with corn dog

And after a few minutes.... IT IS DONE!!!!!!!!!

corn dog machine done

OMG!!!!!! IT IS A SUCESSS!!!! This corn dog machine is so cool omg!!!!!


Tadah!!!! Our end product!!!! 6 delicious looking corn dogs!!!! :D

typicalben with corn dog

Yay it's time to taste it!! I hope it taste as good as it looks!!

typicalben 3 corn dog

But before that let me take a picture with it first! So nice omg! Hahaha!

typicalben eating typicalben with corn dog

*Nom nom nom*

corn dog with chill and mayonnaise

Omg how delicious it will be with some mayonnaise and chilli sauce! :D Although I would love even more to have it in mustard and mayonnaise though, but my home don't have mustard!

typicalben secla with corn dog

*happy ben eating his corn dog made by his corn dog machine hahahaha*

Okay!!! That's all the stuff that I've gotten from Kwerkee!!!! So fun showing them to you guys!!

And after having so much fun shopping, now it's your turn to experience and see what you can find or discover with them! With all the cool and unique products PLUS fresh content updated daily (means everyday have new stuff for us to discover you know!!), I'm sure you guys will love it one!!!

Do go and check out kwerkee.com now and start shopping!

But before you leave my blog and go to Kwerkee, I still need to say one last thing!!!!

From time to time, they also do run awesome contests on their Facebook Page and also with fun behind-the-scenes pictures, product updates and fan-only promos too! So don't forget to just 'LIKE' them on their page to get all these updates on your Facebook feed! They are also on Instagram too! Have fun!!!


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  1. Anonymous3:23 am

    Why can't I find the corn dog maker on Kwerkee :( Is it OOS already or haven't launch?

    1. I guess it's OOS? Maybe you can check with them about it? :D

