December 01, 2013Hello everyone!!! Good news good news!!!!!! Super good news!!!! ^_^
If you have followed me on Twitter, I actually share this piece of good news there already! Yes, so few days back I actually gotten my results for my last semester of my whole college studies and I can proudly and happily say that... I HAVE OFFICIALLY GRADUATED FORM UNIVERSITY!!!!!
I must say it's not very easy for this 2.5 years of studies, because although I did kinda pretty much skip quite a lot of lessons and was quite relax during most of the days (oppps! please don't learn from me on this) but the stress level during projects/assignments period and also exam period is really crazy. There's a vast difference between studying for exams in university and during poly/secondary school days.
At first I couldn't really adapt to the changes and the way I need to study in university because I'm not those people who is used to study intensively before, I'm more of a "last minute kind" of student. But I guess what really need to thank for, being able to graduate successfully without failing any of my modules (other than myself cause I really did put in effort okay! hahaha) is my.... university friends!
I'm super super thankful for my university mates, especially my project group mates because they are the one whom helped me a lot throughout this 2.5 years of studies. Without them, I think I might not be able to graduate. Thank you Jingjing, Eug, Huiling, Elisa, Stanley, Elaine, Jaslin, Bernice, Eileen, Zoey, Amelia... and also other people whom we have worked with for group projects. Thanks for all the help and guidance! Espeically JJ, she helped me the most throughout and I'm super thankful for her. So blessed really!
Suddenly I feel super emotional and touched because I really met nice people during this 2.5 years of studies and I feel really thankful omg. They all are super nice to me wtf. I really gonna cry now I tell you.
I just went to Ran's room and told him I feel very 'heartfelt' as I'm writing about my university life hahahaha! Then he say I very drama -_- Okay, fine. Nobody understand how I feel, except myself one lah! It's normal! Hahaha! Same goes to when I gotten my results and when I told everyone around me that I pass and graduated, they never have the same excitement as I do. They just reply... "oh okay".
Nevermind, but I'm still very happy! :D Thank you guys for all the sweet congrats tweets to me, when I tweeted about the news! Hahaha! At least I know there are people who are excited together with me! :x

Fingers meet up after so super long! What kind of bffs are we, seriously! Hahaha!
Angie couldn't make it that day though, been so long since we all saw her! Miss her so much!

After our dinner (which we didn't took any pictures), we went for desserts!

Creme Brûlée! Yum yum yum! :D

Doesn't look very appetising, I know, but it actually taste the best among the 3!
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By now you guys should know my love for sweaters right!!! Yes, super love!!!
And I'm so happy because SHOPSOLITARYRIDE recently just sent over to me 3 awesome sweaters which I'm gonna show you guys in awhile!! Founded in 2011, they are an online preorder store based in Singapore that offer a wide selection of apparels (for both male and female, so not just only male ah!) that are wearable, fashionable and most importantly, affordable! Okay, time for picturesssssssss! :D

First one is this Eagle Knitted Pullover that I gotten from them! Love the design!

Close up of the pullover, nice right? I love how comfy it is too!

Next is this Basic Stripe Long Sleeve Top which can be easily match with any pants or shorts!

Last but not least, this Grey Basic Knit Pullover!

Really love how comfy it is when I'm wearing it! And I don't understand why people say Singapore is not suitable to wear pullover/sweaters cause of the weather BUT if I can wear out, so can you! :p
Not only they bring in gorgeous apparels for their customers, they also aim to provide with a great shopping experience and build relationships with their customers! Of course, other than all the sweaters that I've chosen, they also do have a wide range of apparels (such as tees, shirt, shorts, pants, accessories etc.) for both male and female! Yup, so do go check them out and start shopping now! ^_^
*Quote "typicalben" and receive a 5% store wide discount!*
p/s: Do also follow them on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates/promotions/exclusive deals!
* college