
Sometimes changes is necessary

July 24, 2014

I know I was supposed to update last night but after I got back home from my IPPT training, I was so drained out and tired so I went to bed immediately after settling some important stuff online. And today, my body is aching so bad! T_T

This is what we get for not exercising regularly I guess. :/ #blamenoonebutourselves

Anyway, as some of you might have noticed there are quite a few minor changes to my website. First is the layout of the site, which I somehow changed it to give a cleaner, simpler and hopefully portray a more professional look. Although this is not what I really wanted, as in it's not what I have in mind at first but I guess this will do for now. Because my initial plan was to get a hosting and move to Wordpress and get a custom design for my site. Well, we will see how it goes. Also, another change is that I finally gotten my own domain "typicalben.com" yay!!!! :D Which I don't know why on earth I didn't get my own domain years back (phew~ luckily no one sabotage me and buy it first). But now it's mine, finally!

I guess changing a little as days goes by is necessary. I'm hoping to give you guys a more professional side and better content, so together we can bring this site to another level since I've been in the blogosphere for so many years already. I really could consider myself as one of the pioneer in this industry (or I actually am) and being able to "survive" until today, is amazing and I'm so blessed (at the same time really happy) that people are still reading or following me even after so long.

It's not easy with new bloggers or influencers popping out all these years, but able to stand strong until now for so many years makes me feel super thankful and contented enough. The reason why I'm still writing here is because I know no matter what happen, you people are still gonna read and support whatever I do, whatever my decision is. And down the road, I know I'll be sharing with you guys even more. Something even more personal that you can ever imagine. But of course, on the other hand you guys are also always sharing your stuff with me too, on whichever social media platform or emails even.... which I really love it! Feels like we are going through our lives together, kinda like grow old together hahahaha amazing.

Talking about changes, one of my dearest cousin recently had a huge change in her life too. She got married. :') And I was really happy to attend her wedding ceremony because she's someone that is close to me since we were young.

Equarius Hotel Equarius Hotel garden wedding setting

Garden wedding theme at Equarius Hotel.

Her wedding ceremony was held in the day, outdoor garden theme and when I heard about it I was pretty excited to attend because this is the first time I ever attend a outdoor garden theme wedding. But sadly, on the actual day itself, it was raining heavily and when all the guests had reached, the rain still didn't stop.:( So they had to go with the back-up indoor plan.

Equarius Hotel garden wedding

It's so beautiful right!

Like very wasted hor. Initially, they were supposed to exchange their vows there with all the guest seated in a spiral setting. I really think it will look damn gorgeous and beautiful in pictures! But I guess if this happens to me on my wedding day, I will sure feel a little "sian" because things don't go the way we planned but at the same time, I think I won't get really affected because it's my big day, marriage eh. I think all our mind will be thinking about other things like the wedding vows, speech, how we look, or our heart will be so flustered that we don't know what's going on... or things like that.

Equarius Hotel room

The arrival of bride and groom!

pris wedding

My cousin looked stunning that day! *.*
Maybe the saying of, 恋爱中的女人最美 is true bah hahaha!

Equarius Hotel buffet wedding

Food time! Didn't get to eat much! :x

baby Zayer

Newest addition to our paternal side family, baby Zayer!

baby Zayer 2

Omg look at how precious he is, he looks so cute and good looking omg.

baby Zayer 3

Awww... stop it! *.*

baby Zayer 4

Okay, last picture of baby Zayer haha!

pris wedding tea ceremony

Tea ceremony time! Still incorporating our Chinese tradition somehow! (Y)

pris wedding tea ceremony - mum and dad

My mummy and daddy's turn!

pris wedding tea ceremony - mum and dad 2

They both look so happy also hahahaha!

pris wedding tea ceremony - mum and dad 3

Look at my mum, smile until like that lol.

cousins group photo at Equarius Hotel garden

After the rain stopped, we went over to the garden to take some pictures!

typicalben pris

With my lovely cousin! So happy for her! :D :D :D

typicalben blue hair white shirt 2

Took some selfie of myself before leaving too, but this is fail.

typicalben blue hair white shirt 3

*adjust my hair first*

typicalben blue hair white shirt

Finally better!

I always have a strong stand on attending weddings. I would only love to attend weddings of people that are close to me which I'll feel truly happy and touched for. I always think that attending wedding dinner of someone you are not close with/barely know/very long never contact, loses the true meaning of it. I don't think it is a place to go there just to eat, you know. So in future for my wedding right, I think I'll only invite less than 20-25 people? We shall see hahaha!


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