Do your part and use water wisely
September 30, 2015
Just a quick question, do you think you're doing your part to help save water in the things you do daily?
I know I did talk about some tips to conserve water previously, but I think it is more than just knowing the tips. I feel that we need to constantly remind ourselves in what we do daily, in order to play a part! :) We can know all the tips to save water but it takes is to constantly remind ourselves to do it (or even try to do it), to make it a good habit of ours!
I'm sure all of us know that water is really precious and we, as Singaporeans should do our part to save water. I'm proud to say that I really changed the way I use water (be it at home or outside) and here are some of the things we should try to do now!

I've been using a tumbler when brushing teeth or when I do not have tumbler when I'm out or overseas, I'll turn off the water tap when I brush my teeth. I still remember when I was younger, I would let the water run as I brush my teeth.

But now, I really do feel a pinch when I see people do that and I'll always turn off the tap when I'm brushing my teeth when I do not have a tumbler. You can get your favourite cup or tumbler and use it at the shower so you feel more motivated to use it!
I'm currently using the reusable plastic Starbucks cup that I bought previously! ;)

Another thing that I always do now is to turn off the shower tap while soaping and try to take shorter showers.

My mum always thaw food in a container instead of putting it under running water. This actually help to save a lot of water too!
You can also remind your parents or domestic helpers (if you guys don't cook) to wash the vegetables in a container instead under running water. Those water in the container can be used to water plants or to wash the toilet or kitchen after that.

Last but not least, my mum also always wash the laundry on full load. But if it is urgent then she will have no choice, but at least she's trying to play a part too! There are more things that you can do to play your part, so if you need more water conservation tips, feel free to follow @PUBsingapore on Instagram to get updates on the go!
Anyway, since we are on this topic... I thought I would like to show you all this pie chart!

This pie chart shows the breakdown of water usage for each activity in a typical household.
Generally, showers and washing in the kitchen sink takes up 29% and 22% of an average family’s monthly water consumption respectively. By shortening the duration of water usage, we can save 9 litres (six 1.5-litre bottles) of water per minute in the shower and 8 litres (five 1.5-litre bottles) of water per minute in the kitchen sink. Which is really a lot!!!

Let's all start to #UseWaterWisely and not take water for granted.
In many other countries, they do not have the luxury of having cleaning water like us. Singapore has built a robust, diversified and sustainable water supply from four different sources known as the Four National Taps. Today, more than 5 million people enjoy clean, safe water at a turn of a tap. Can you imagine if we do not have clean water one day? I really can't. :(
but it takes is to constantly remind ourselves to do it (or even try to do it), to make it a good habit of ours! my site