No Waste Days Challenge
November 06, 2015Hello everyone! ;) Are you all up for a challenge?!
If you are then let me challenge you to......

Yes, a #NoWasteDays Challenge!
I'm doing the challenge too! It's really simple so let's do it together!
The aim of this challenge is to raise awareness of the need to reduce waste in Singapore, particularly food and plastic waste. I'm sure many of you didn't know but the increasing amount of waste, is putting a strain on Singapore’s environment and depleting limited resources. Just in 2013, Singapore produced almost 8 million tonnes of solid waste! How crazy is that! And I'm sure if we do little changes to our lifestyle habits and activities, we can help reduce food and plastic waste in our country. If not, more incineration plans and landfills would in turn have to be built to manage this increasing amount of waste, which is not sustainable in land-scarce Singapore.
I'm sure most of us are guilty of food and plastic wastage! But we can slowly change our habit! Starting from plastic wastage...

I've been using non-disposable containers, like my tumbler and lunchbox when I go to work!

It had already become a habit and I'll always bring my tumbler out (even to overseas) and stop buying bottled water as much as I can. I find it really useful because I like to drink hot drinks and with the tumbler I can have the flexibility to choose to drink either cold or hot drinks! You can also use the tumbler when you're buying coffee at Starbucks etc. and not waste their plastic cups!
In fact, I've quite a few tumblers and I really use them so frequently that my family are also starting to use them too!

Dinner time! Food wastage is real and you can see that more and more people are wasting food due to affluence and complacency. People just order a huge amount of food without thinking of whether they can finish them. Some will just order for the sake of pictures (to post on their social media) but then realised that they couldn't finish eating them after.

For myself, I only order what I can eat and if I'm with a group of friends and I know that I can afford to order more to share, I will do so! Or I'll just order a few dishes first and if we are still hungry, we will add-on more dishes! It's never too late isn't it!

So rather than wasting food, we should start by just ordering what we can eat! Share the food with someone especially when you know the portion is large! Like for this pizza, I share it with Randy because the portion is really huge. So we don't waste!

I pledge to finish all my food and you should do so too!
Let's take part in the #NoWasteDays Challenge and win yourself some prizes!
With the "No Waste Days” Challenge, we invite you to adopt 'No Waste Days' through small lifestyle changes such as bringing your own bags when shopping, bringing your own container for takeaways and finishing all the food that you have ordered!
Follow and participate in either or/both the 2 categories!
Each participant must:
1. Post a photo on Instagram that shows your effort at reducing waste with #nowastedays and #nowastedayshero
2. It can be as simple as taking a picture of: Your bite/Using a reusable container to avoid using disposables.

Tag-Team Category - Win a pair of Daniel Wellington watches worth $198 each
Each pair of participants must:
1. Repost a contest post as indicated by the instructions in the post copy.
2. Hashtag your post with #nowastedays and #nowastedaystagteam
3. Leave the correct answer in the post
4. Tag each other.
(E.g. Should Contestant ‘A’ tag Contestant ‘B’ in his submission, Contestant ‘B’ must likewise tag Contestant ‘A ’ in his submission.)
5. Participants to look out for the various posts that will be posted two times every week, till 4 Dec.

Rules and Regulations for the Contest: tcs.pdf?sfvrsn=2
The contest commences on 15 Oct 2015 at 1000 hours (Singapore time) and ends on 4 Dec 2015 at 2200 hours (Singapore time)
Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to No Waste Days page and the full list can be found on CGS page: challenge-tcs.pdf?sfvrsn=2

If you guys do not know, food and plastic wastage have a high generation rate and a low recycling rate. Reduction can save limited natural resources and land space. For us, reducing food and plastic waste has practical benefits such as saving money. Let's all join in the No Waste Days Challenge and do your part in saving the environment today! Good luck and all the best! ;)
Do head over and like Clean and Green Singapore’s Facebook page too!