My Top 5 Favourite iPhone App
December 04, 2016
Hello everyone! Writing this while in Da Nang, the weather here is pretty bad... raining almost everyday and I'm pretty much stuck in my room every morning. But that's good, means that I'll have time to pen down my thoughts and share stuff with you guys! Recently, everyone have been sharing or making videos on "What's in my iPhone" and since many of you guys also want to know, I thought why not share it here with you all today.
I've chosen my 5 favourite iPhone app (as of now) and I didn't include those common essential apps that we all need to use, like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. To give you all a clearer idea, below is my home screen of my phone with all the 'essential' apps, which is probably the same for everyone else too.

I've got 2 email app because I use one solely for work (official gmail app) and another (iPhone mail app) for personal. How many similar apps do you have on your home screen too? ;)
Alright, I'll start with the first app - which I use to filter my photo!
The process of my photo editing for Instagram came a long way lol. I used to edit the colours of my photo on Photoshop first then I'll transfer them to my phone to further edit again using Instagram. Then after awhile, I stopped using Instagram to edit but used Photoshop Express (an app that is free!) to further edit the colours. I then realised that all these editing were taking up too much of my time, so I decided to cut down on the process and now I'm using VSCO to edit the colours of my photo. Yes, so my first app is none other than...

For those who are interested to know which series/presets I'm using for my current photos, I'm using HB2 - It's a free pack and I've heard a lot of my friends that actually purchased the different packs that they also end up using all the free ones haha. So do try out and play with the settings of the free packs first before purchasing!
To show you the difference, below is the Before and After photo edited with VSCO.

Original vs Edited (VSCO - HB2)

The next app that I would like to recommend to you all is Photoshop Fix!
Although I don't use it much because I'm more accustomed to use photoshop on my laptop but for people who wants a more 'professional' app to edit your face than Mei Tu Xiu Xiu or Beauty Cam, this is for you! You can use Photoshop Fix not just to edit your face but also objects or surrounding too. On some days where you just want to remove that unsightly pimples of yours - I feel Photoshop Fix is a good app to do so!

One of the main reason why I recommend to use Photoshop Fix is also because it doesn't compromise on the quality after editing. Most of the time when I see people using Mei Tu Xiu Xiu or Beauty Cam to edit their photos, after saving the photo, the quality of the photo is being reduced - I'm pretty anal about that. So yeah, do go try it and let me know whether you guys like it or not!

This is seriously one of my mum's favourite app and she totally influenced me to download and use it too since I’m always out and about!
For those who didn't know, Viu is a platform with extensive library of popular Korean dramas, variety shows, Japanese & Thai dramas, provided by the official broadcasters. What's better is that, it is free to download and watch!!!! No wonder my mum super love Viu because she can watch all the dramas on on PC when she is home or on her phone wherever she is. You can even download the show to your phone or tablet and watch it offline too, how awesome right.
For those drama enthusiasts who would like to enjoy additional privileges like unlimited downloads and priority viewing from as fast as 8 hours after original telecast, you can also choose to go Premium at a small fee of $5.98/mth! It's really affordable imo, it's just like getting a cup of Starbucks drink but in return you get to enjoy a month of non-stop Asian entertainment.
Anyway, what drama are you guys watching now? My mum is currently watching Entourage and she kinda made me addicted to it and watching it now as well. Haha sorry I'm sidetracking a little here!

My mum super love KwangSoo which is one of the reason she's watching as well.
Anyway, Entourage is a highly anticipated Korean remake of the hit American series of the same title.. It is a dark comedy drama that shows you everything about the Korean entertainment industry. Not only does it show you the glamorous parties, culture and fashion, but it also shows you the hidden sides through the five main characters. I really liked the show so far and we have been watching it on Viu because it's available every Fri & Sat 11pm, right after Korea’s telecast (with subtitles some more!).
Before I continue, I just wanna share this unbelievable contest... What's better than watching your favourite show for free and yet still get to win a trip to anywhere in the world (worth $8,000)? I know this sounds a little crazy but they are currently holding a #ViuStarEntourage contest where you will be able to live like a VIP and enjoy the star experience of a lifetime with your own entourage!
And all of you have to do is to watch as many shows as you can on VIU??? Yes, whattttt!
All you have to do is to log in to your Viu account or register a Viu account for FREE either on or Viu mobile app (download via App Store or Google Play) and start binge-watching on Viu for FREE while being logged in! The more videos you watch during each qualifying period, the higher your chances of winning! Now you have a perfect excuse to catch up on all your favourite dramas hahah! More details of the contest can be found here:
Other than Entourage, my mum is also starting to watch Goblin, the one that features Gong Yoo (the male lead Train To Busan!!). I'm quite eager to watch it too since it's the same writer and director of Descendants of the Sun! Which drama should I watch next? Do feel free to share with me on my social media platforms k!

The next app is a shopping app, yes I'm sure you guys are familiar with ASOS. I love shopping on their app because it's super seamless and user-friendly. It's super convenient too!
A tip is to shop at their outlet where they have tons of items with up to 70% Off! ;)
That's all about ASOS since it's pretty much straight-forward. Off to the last app.....

Last but not least, Telegram! Although most of us are using WhatsApp as the main messenger app, I pretty like Telegram too. Sadly, not so many people are using it but what I really love is that we are able to play games like werewolf with all your friends and also send amazing stickers! Check out my Nicki Minaj stickers below!

They also do have web/desktop app version too.
But the only thing that I didn't like about telegram is that you don't get to see if the recipient have read your messages. Although I don't on it on my WhatsApp but it somehow still does not apply to group chat and I'm used to checking if the other party did read my messages (especially for work haha).

So that's all for my top 5 favourite iPhone app! I really had fun writing this post and I know it's been sometime since I do so. :x Yes, I'm going to try to change my layout again and update more often! Anyway, do feel free to share with me your favourite apps too! I'll be downloading and checking them out! ;)