Sex & Masturbation
July 15, 2007He told us why is that so and stuff. But I couldn't really remember (But I still remember parts of it). Maybe at that point of time we are all sleeping, talking and having fun!
Life at secondary school is much more easier, easier by alot. In class you can sleep, play, run, jump, scold the teacher, make the teacher cry, go toilet when as you wish, don't ever need to do homework, go to other class and find your friends and alot more crazy stuff.
I still remember my friend chase me with a broom, and we went running round the whole school :D
I still remember I was late almost everyday and my parents always receive call from the discipline master.
I can just skip school whenever I want (due to tiredness) and my mum will just help me write letters.
I didn't do any homework at all for the past 4 years in secondary school. I studied my test the day before, I studied my O levels just 1 month before.
Everything seems so right! Damnit, I side track by quite abit.
Yes. Poly life isn't as great as what people told us.
In Poly ....
"you don't need to study at all one!"
"Very relax one!"
"Can don't go school as you wish!"
But I don't deny that some of it are quite true. Cause it's somehow really fun for poly life and I quite love it.
Many of us tend to be more open and communicate more openly now. We (mixture of girls and guys) do talk about sex, masturbation, phone sex and everything which is more sensitive and more personal.
We talk and compare dick sizes, breast size, how many times we did sex before, how many times we masturbate a week and many many more.
All these topic might have also been discuss in secondary school or JC but maybe not very much in detailed? Maybe some of your friends are not really open yet and stuff.
But I'm not saying that Secondary and JC students are not that open! This what my teacher in secondary school told me. JC student's thinking might not be as matured as poly students in general. Cause they are not really exposed to the outside world yet.
Every guys do masturbate and so do some girls. I know not all girls, just some.
I was wondering just now, what happen if you were masturbating and halfway through and suddenly your mum saw you doing it?
What will you do? and how will your mum react?
HAHAHAHA. I think that situation will be totally awkward man! Like TOTALLY!
Will she let you continue and finish it then she confront you or will she just confront you immediately?
Weird question. hahahaa.
But I think Masturbation is good! Rather than have sex randomly with people. Masturbation is much more better! You wont get any illness like AIDS OR STD.
When I am at the age of 17, I told my mum I want to have sex when I'm 18.
She say "Okay! Cause you are at a legal age when 18, so it's okay to have sex with your girl but she must be at a legal age to do so too."
But when i am 18 now, SHE LIED.
She ask me not to anyhow sex and sex and sex and sex.
Yes. But she didn't really lie though, she just don't want me to catch any illness and die after that. hahahahaha.
She will kill herself if she lose such a wonderful son like me.
I am wonderful and fantabulous to her :D
I'm happy that my parents are very open about all these topics. We talk about sex and masturbation. Sometimes we (Me and my brother) would ask them (which is my parents) to have sex while we were out.
Their replies to us are always so funny! And actually sometimes they scolded us for being too over! But they are nice and cute parents, don't they?
Plus plus plus, they always tell me about penis enlargement is FAKE! HHAHAHAAHAHAHA.
It's a good thing that we didn't have generation gap. If not I think I will like be so curious about all these sex stuff and might learn through by other means (through the net or by friends) which is always quite untrue.
All these stuff I'm saying sound so NC 16. But i actually think it's super common nowadays. If not why a girl at the age of 12 got pregnant and so so many underage sex now.
Shit! Although they do now have any generation gap with their children but they actually do suffer alot. They do not have a proper income and their love for another is not strong enough. All these led to divorce! Sucks!
In the end, their family and friends suffer with them.
Well, contradicting!
So it's best to stay young at heart so that you have no generation gap with your children next time and when you have a stable income ... then sex! then give birth to baby!! :D
I know SOME people

Marble Chocolates!
And for those who actually read every single word in this entry and maybe read it like 4/5 times through already ...


I don't know why I'm writing this entry?!
Maybe you people should come back tomorrow for a update which is not as wordy :)
*I'm craving for MacDonald's apple pie now*