I just woke up!
October 11, 2007
I went to bed super early, like 10pm just now!
It's been so long since I ever sleep that early luh! Cause I slept at 5am for almost every single day :x
And I thought I can sleep all the way till morning you know!
But it seems that I can't. Stupid right??! Fancy waking up at this point of time to blog. Totally insane.
Nevertheless, I shall carry on with what I want to blog! Hopefully after finish blogging I will then feel sleepy and get back to sleep :)
McDonald is the place for us to slack after finish watching midnight movie! Actually it's not that bad, cause at least I can get to eat ice cream still. MUHAHAHAHA!
They brought UNO cards along to play with, cause somehow time always pass too slowly while we are waiting for our first train in the morning.
But to me, UNO = a boring and monotonous game.
I rather play "Heart Attack".

No lah, it's actually just pepper. And that's how I eat my fries!

Maggie Q is soooooooooooooo damn freaking HOT!

I'm prolly on fire right now! Awwww.
And after watching the movie, Balls of Fury makes me thinks that she's hotter than ever. *Drools*
Kill me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, yes kill me :)