Let’s Q with Moto Q!
December 13, 2007Sponsored Advertorial
I had a wonderful dream just now!
In my dream, there was this little bunny which somehow looks like the emoticon I always use in Msn when chatting with my friends.
Yes, that’s him!
His name should be .... Touto?
Err... No!
It’s ...... Tuzki!
He then asked me a very weird question, ‘How do you Q?’.
“How do I Q?”
Seriously in my mind, I was thinking about …
That's the favourite thing that all typical Singaporean love to do what!
And without saying a single word, the little bunny, Tuzki, pass me a phone which is called the Moto Q9.
I then had a great time playing with Moto Q9, as he taught me how to Q with it!
“Good things are meant to be shared”, said Tuzki.
Therefore, he made me to promise him to tell everyone I know the ways on ‘How can you Q’ with Moto Q9.
I’m sure you guys will be interested in knowing it!
But the first question you might ask is...
Answer to it?
Let typicalben (which is me -.-) tell you how:
The Moto Q9 is easy to use.
The Q makes intuitive use its top priority, as it comes with a full QWERTY keypad and is pre-installed with Widows Mobile 6.0.
We can also control the Q with single hand, launching applications with Speed Dial shortcuts.
With the customizable shortcuts, we can launch 80% of applications with just …
How cool is that?!
Surf anywhere & anytime with Q!
We now can surf our favourite sites with a full-screen horizontal HTML browser that makes you feel like you haven't left your PC.
With pre-installed wireless internet IE from the Windows Mobile 6.0 Operating System and Opera browsers, the MOTO Q lets us log onto the web from anywhere.
Worrying about the lousy connection outside?
Fret not!
With the HSDPA wireless connectivity technology, it makes connecting to the internet much much more faster.
I still remember Tuzki telling me about how much he loves MSN:
Not having Msn to chat is just like not having our handphone to sms right?!
With pre-installed Windows Live(TM) Messenger or other IM applications, MOTO Q allows us to continue our online conversations without a PC.
Still remember the QWERTY keypad I mention earlier?
We now can chat easily with it just like how we did it at home using our keyboard and also with all our favorite emoticons.
With MOTO Q, we can get online and chat anywhere.
Love to blog?
Tuzki also told me that blogging is the next big thing in the long run.
Which I seriously think so too!
To all the bloggers out there, here’s something you might wish to know!
With Window Live™, Moto Q makes blogging a cinch!
We now can blog from anywhere by uploading your most spontaneous photo and text entries to an MSN Spaces account.
That’s not all!
We love to take pictures don’t we?
Moto Q comes with a...
This allows us to take clear and sharp images to blog!
Plus, the 2GB extendable memory allows us to capture more of our most precious moments!
Cant live without music?
The Windows Media Player in Moto Q supports a variety of music and video formats.
It has a 2.4 inch-wide screen with dual stereo speakers and Bluetooth stereo headphones put unbelievable sound quality and a picture-perfect display in our hands.
It’s time to throw away those tangling earpieces of yours and mine, cause with the Bluetooth stereo headphones I now can,
Okay, I agree that sometimes it’s a fuss to transfer the songs from PC to our phone.
But Moto Q9 is different from the rest of the phones!
As it can share our PC media easily by using ActiveSync and USB 2.0.
The playlists can be dragged, dropped, and automatically synchronized at USB 2.0 enhanced speeds with Windows Media Player 11 on your PC.
And Moto Q9 is the ONLY device to offer that!
Carry on working as if you’re still in your office.
With the support of the mobile productivity applications like,
The Moto Q9 lets us conveniently view and edit your documents while we're away from our desk.
Always worrying about missing an important date with clients?
Not anymore!
With the Outlook Calendar consisently reminding you, you can say good-bye to all your worries from now on!
Not forgetting the One-step email setup which allows us to sync multiple email accounts easily, supporting corporate exchange servers and personal email support.
Thanks Tuzki!
I’m totally amazed by how Moto Q can bring the endless entertainment to our palm, ever since Tuzki taught me how!

Moto Q9 PDA phone has redefined the Motorola Smartphone but it’s not only a Smartphone.
It’s a fashionable accessory with a slim frame.

Thanks to the witty and charming Tuzki for teaching me how to Q! And I hope you guys also know how to Q now!
Last but not least, Click here (to the website!) if you want to know more information on Moto Q9 or to pay a visit to Tuzki and play with him! :)

p/s: Comments disallowed as this is an advertorial post :)