Chat Anywhere with Starhub!
December 10, 2008Sponsored Advertorial
I think almost everyone now in this modern age cannot really live without going online for a day right?
Well, and that applies to me too! :)
Internet have become so important to you and me in our daily life right now. And you know, even when I'm out till 3 or 4am, I'll still go on my lappy to get myself online to check my emails and stuff when I get back home no matter how tired I am.
Getting online to check your emails, chat with your friends or even to surf your favourite sites now, can be done even when you're out! It doesn't mean you have to be at home using your computer or have to bring along your laptop out with you....
which can be quite a hassle, totally!
Yesssss! You can now bring your friends, boyfriend/girlfriend and Internet everywhere and anywhere with you with Starhub's new service, Chat Anywhere!

This service will really make all the chatty chat lovers elated!!
Can you imagine yourself being online and able to chat with your friends on your Instant Messenger the whole day long even when you're out?
Now, you can!!!
You're able to chat with your friends 24/7 (if you want and can lah), wherever and whenever you are!!!!!!!!!
Weeeeeeeee! I think this is really cool.
I can't imagine myself chatting with all my friends at any moment of the day and being able to access it so easily, like by just snapping of your fingers! *snap snap*
No need to connect to any wireless or having a hard time connecting to it anymore. No need to worry where you are and the time anymore.
Just with your mobile phone now, you can enjoy UNLIMITED chat with your friends over at Windows Live Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger at one flat rate, for only $5.35/mth!

That's like seriously really affordable lor.
You can then chat with your friends, boyfriend/girlfriend when you're on your way back home on public transport, at the beach suntanning, when you're in the toilet shitting or even when you're alone caught up in the jungle!
Talking about boyfriend/girlfriend...
This service is good for those who encounter possessive partner lor, cause I (or we lah) can allow them think that I'm online at home chatting with them but the fact is that I'm out to movie with my friends!!!!
Then when you're in movie then cannot reply, just put busy or away saying that you're going to take a shower or dinner!
Muahahahaha! Like quite mean right.
You can use it to avoid those people that you hate and can go out at ease without them, letting them having the thought that you're not out too and at home chatting with them on msn, but you're using your phone to be online chatting with them, so it's serve as a great way to avoid them for dates now!
Then you put the status to BUSY, and make use of this chance not to reply them! Wahahahahahahahahaa!
I know it's considered as 'cheating' lah (I don't really approve of lying to your partner but the second point still can), but to those people you hate, I reckon everyone will rather lie to them lor cause they might just bug onto you and follow you everywhere yet you really don't want him/her to be around as you hate it!
I got such "friends" lor, damn irritating one.
ALSO ALSO ALSO.. no one will ever find out exactly where you are when you're chatting with them! It's like nobody will ever find out when I'm chatting with them in the toilet while shitting! :)
Muahahahaha! Crude, I know.
So now, you do not need to worry about finding a wireless connection when you're out and chat all you want at one flat rate, which is only $5.35/mth!!!
Crazy or what!!!!
p/s: If you want to know more about this 'Chat Anywhere' service, you can click here to access their website!
For those who love to take pictures or record a video and upload it on your Blog, Facebook, Youtube, Flicker etc.
ShoZu Access is right for you!
Especially those who really love to blog (like me!), we always encounter problems like, a lack of time to update our blog or when you're home after a long day you just feel too tired to update anything at all.
I always encounter such stuff lah!
Like when I'm on my way back home from school or something, I always got alot of thoughts running in my mind which I really feel like blogging it down BUT yet I can't cause I'm still on the bus and so I have to wait till I get home then I can blog.
The thing is that....
When I'm back home, after logging in BLOGGER...
I sort of forgotten what I wanted to blog anymore and the feel or I can say the urge of blogging the "stuff" is not there anymore.
Not as strong as compare when I'm on the bus way back home.
I'm sure you guys also got encounter this problem before lor.

But with ShoZu, now you can:
- Upload Photos and Videos
- Read & Reply to comments
- Add Tags, Titles and descriptions
- Downloads Friends’ Feeds
- Update your status
- Geo-tagging
Which means you're able to update your blog, upload pictures on your blog without having to wait till you’re back home.
Damn convenient right.
You can basically blog at any point of the time of the day without worrying the lacks of updates or have to rush home to blog.
And that's not all!!!
ShoZu also allows us to interact with a huge list of sites and communities with UNLIMITED usage on your mobile phone at anywhere and at anytime!
Check out some of the popular sites that you can surf to!

Coooooooooool righttt!
Listening to songs or watching videos with your iPod cannot get any better than you being able to surf the various sites (above) when you're traveling from one place to another.
You can now update your Facebook account, get to know the latest news happening in the world etc. at any time and any place!
So are you now thinking that the price for having unlimited internet usage should be pretty expensive for you to sign up?
You can enjoy unlimited usage of the internet surfing with your mobile phone anywhere and anytime, for only ........
(Okay, I can't help but to put this picture again cause it's really cheap!)

I think it's really worth it you know!
Chilling over at Starbucks, MacDonald, or even Coffee Shop will not be that bored anymore! Even if you're waiting for your friends who are always late, you might not get really pissed off by them now, as you can get online and surf the internet while waiting.
p/p/s: If you want to know more about this 'ShoZu' service, you can click here to access their website!
Now, you'll have another reason to love your mobile phone more.