
Let's play Truth Or Dare, AGAIN!

June 22, 2011

And I choose... DARE (again)!!!

So this will be the second part or I can say part 2 to the Truth or Dare game that I've already done before the other time, with all stuff you all dare me to here and the video of me doing them here!

And I thought it's really fun!!!! Don't you guys think so?!!!!

Come come come!!! Dare me with any crazy thoughts that you all might have and I'll pick one to do it! (But the other time I picked 3! So if there is many good ones, I'll do more!)

And as usual, I'll either take pictures/video myself doing the "DARE" and post it up here!

So now, what do you wanna dare me with? :p

p/s: Here's the entry again due to the other time when I posted it up, the commenting system is kinda screwed so I decided to start it now again as it's working already! Sorry about it! :(


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  1. Shanelle ((;10:39 pm

    Haha! I dare you to wear some cute boxer and take 3 photo with cute or handsome expression. Haha. Excited~ :-D

  2. Elena4:24 pm

    <span>I dare you to dress up like one of the girls in snsd and wear one of their songs. Dont need sing whole song. (:</span>

  3. Evelyn4:24 pm

    <span>Have you watched CLIF? Act out a short part of that show!  O:-)   :-D   8-) </span>

  4. Jaslyn4:25 pm

    <span>Ask randy to throw a cake in your face and not wipe off for 30 secs.</span>

  5. ZiQiaNN4:27 pm

    <span>I dare you to sing your favourite song ! Bonus if you dance to it. =D   
    Probably another dare to draw a heart on Randy's face and shout : " I LOVE YOU RANDY !!! " XD</span>

  6. <span>i dare u to strip ur upper body clothes only, see whether u have 6packs muahahha :3</span>

  7. sadjkasnd4:28 pm

    <span>I dare you to go to a VERY crowded place, stand in the middle & shout "HELLO I'M A FAMOUS BLOGGER! I'M TYPICALBEN!" then just walk away.</span>

  8. <span>i dare u to lip2lip kiss either ur bro, mum or dad.</span>

  9. Mabel4:28 pm

    <span>Play chubby bunny marshmallows with your brother! And! Help to style your bro's hair!  
    Choose mine choose mine!!  8-) </span>

  10. <span>i dare u to show ur undies u wearing! :P</span>

  11. isabelle.4:28 pm

    <span>I dare u to set up a -ask me qns- page. for a day or smth. And you'll answer all qns! Sounds good isnt it hehehhe (:</span>

  12. <span>dare u to french kiss an object? either a clean mirror or new plastic sheet? just wanna know how u do it ahahahha./</span>

  13. <span>dare u to show ur all kinds of handwriting.</span>

  14. <span>i dare u to talk about ur pri sch to sec days. and show us photo or smth, like an interview!!!</span>

  15. <span>dare u to burp loudly for continuously 3 times right in ur bro face!</span>

  16. <span>i dare u tooooooooo mimic different accents. 1)america 2)cheena 3)indian. deal?</span>

  17. <span>dare u to seduce ur bro (whatever ways u want)  ;)   ;)   ;) </span>

  18. <span>dare u to confront which girl u currently show interest in (stead) or u bro.</span>

  19. <span>Dare you to mimic diff kind of accents! Indian, pinoy, cheena, british! hehehe</span>

  20. <span>dare you to use transparent plastic for cooking use your face force through the plastic :D .</span>

  21. Sarahwhx5:05 pm

    Act sissy and disturb randy xD .

  22. JAW™7:45 pm

    I dare you to do a 'chicky dance' on the beach. for 1 minute. in front of the public. (:</span>

  23. Anonymous9:31 pm

    I dare you to blog every single day without fail

  24. Rizan Hassan1:47 am

    I dare you and your brother doing a video of having to suck and chew on each piece of Mega Sour Lemon Sweets or Warheads Sour Candy for 1-minute. Goodluck brothers!

  25. wewewewe1:50 am

    <span>Dare you to smear peanut butter under one armpit and jelly under the other. Then, two pieces of bread wipe the PB&J from your armpits and eat the sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </span>

  26. <span>Dare you to put an ice cube down your pants until it melts! :D </span>

  27. Do a flash mob with your friends! :)  See how many of them supports you! 

    This time do something more challenging kay?

    PS: I am using http://www.intensedebate.com/ for my comments, perhaps you can take note of it in case your commenting system goes down again! :D 

  28. Christina10:12 am

    I dare you to colour your hair, Rainbow Colours. Fringe OR Whole head. Up to you. :D

  29. JUNHAO3:06 pm

    <span>erm.. lets see.. i shall dare you to do a very silly dance in the most unglam manner and with the ugliest clothes. perhaps pajamas </span>

  30. Anonymous5:18 pm

    I dare you and your brother to drink a cocktail of the 5 flavours of Vitagen XD
    See who drink the fastest XD

  31. JOCELYNNL5:26 pm

    wear a 12 cm heels/your mum heels and catwalk around your room! ><

  32. RunyingC5:40 pm

    I dare you to dance SNSD's Gee and have your family to give you a score upon 10! :)

  33. Michelle9:28 pm

    Kiss your friends/bffs! :)

  34. Michelle9:28 pm

    Kiss your friends/bffs! :)

  35. I dare you and Randy to suck on a whole lemon each with a poker face

  36. fairlady7:45 am

    You've always been very particular about your looks and always dresses up whenever you go out.  I dare you to go out and buy a Mcd meal in a big Giordano t-shirt with shorts and dont style your hair.  :)

  37. <span>i dare you to take a picture of yourself dress up like mr bean or either video it down and act like him! ^____^</span>

  38. <span>i dare you to sing skinny love by birdy! (it's rlly hard)</span>


    <span>i dare you to dance to a kpop girl group's song. for example, girls generation?  :)   </span>

  40. fringeparting8:20 pm

    i dare you to make your fringe centre parting xD

  41. BEN'S STALKER (JK)9:06 pm

    i dare you to post a picture of your family members 1 by 1 kissing you.

  42. AngelikaToh11:11 pm

    <span>I dare you to put on Gyaru Makeup and dance genie in the middle of orchard road .</span>

  43. Candice Koh10:46 pm

    I dare u to dress up like a Women. Wear a Dress, put on Makeup, put on a Hair Wig and wear six inches high Heels. Walk like a Women around Orchard Road for 3 hours.

  44. stalker pig8:31 pm

    i dare you to dance some KPOP dance from SNSD ? F(X) ? WONDERGIRLS ? BROWN EYE GIRL ?

  45. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Chicken dance. 

  46. dare u to dance to kpop songs at town for 15mins

  47. Choose this dare!11:59 pm

    I dare you and Randy to switch wadrobe/fashion/clothes. I've noticed that Randy likes to wear trucker caps, long sleeves and folded jeans while you like to wear printed shirts, shorts and other cute accessories. :) Hehe!

