Starbucks Gold Card
December 27, 2014The year is coming to an end really soon and I'm going to do up one or two super long entry in order to clear all the pending pictures/happenings that I didn't managed to update them here since August! Keep a look out for it as it's coming up really soon! ;) But I don't think I'll be able to do up all my overseas trips update by end of year though, kinda have way too many photos to go through and edit. For all the overseas trips posts, it would probably be up on next year January!
Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays during this awesome festive season! Because I am! :D

Anyway, received my personalised Starbucks gold card in my mailbox recently which can only implies that I really drank a lot of coffee or actually, beverages there hahaha. But I love their marketing efforts, always so good!

Quite a lot of my friends around me also gotten this card as well, which also indirectly implies that we are spending way too much money at Starbucks too hahaha. Anyway, what's all your favourite Starbucks drink ah? For me, I don't really drink frappuccino that much and I always prefer hot drinks instead.... like; Hot Chocolate, Chai Tea Latte, Green Tea Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Toffee Nut Latte (Christmas drink), Peppermint Mocha (Christmas drink). For iced ones, I recommend Earl Grey Tea Latte - can go try out if you have the chance to! I personally think it's quite nice! ;)

The card looks really pretty but I don't think I'll be using the card though, since now we can all make payment using our phone via their app which is so much more convenient and fuss free!

"Gotta love those Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane."
- Taylor Swift (Misheard lyrics from Blank Space)