Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy at Beijing 101
December 11, 2017Back with a quick update on my journey with Beijing 101, you can read my previous posts here and here! So for the past 10 months, I've been visiting Beijing 101 regularly (once every month) to do the hair and scalp treatment, without fail! Yes I know, you must be thinking why suddenly I become so diligent amidst my busy schedule? I actually always look forward to visit Beijing 101 because I take it as a chance to relax and maintain hair and scalp in good condition.

They recently launched a new treatment - 'Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy' and I decided to go try it out myself.

Had a consultation with the consultant and also did a scalp scan to check the condition of my scalp!

You can see that there are dandruffs forming especially at areas at the front and on top of my head. Oh no, why? :( Due to my recent hectic travelling schedule, my hair and scalp has been subjected to the changes in weather conditions and environment factors which cause irritation to my scalp.

Brought Randy along for the treatment too and he's very happy that he got the chance to try it out!

Starting the treatment by putting hair mask first! They mentioned that my scalp is a little red (probably due to scratching?) and with the mask, it will help to clear away the dandruff and soothe the redness.

Once the mask is fully applied on, we will wait for 20mins before washing it away! Hahaha I've done it so many times that I can remember the steps already. After that, they proceed to do Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy!

It's my first time doing this treatment and to be honest I'm quite excited as it's different from the usual treatment that I've done with Beijing 101 before. Starting off with a Concentrated Herbal Hair Wash (which consist of 8 different types of premium grade Chinese herbs such as – Long Dan 龙胆, He Shou Wu 何首乌, Dang Gui 当归 etc.) that help to nourish the scalp while massaging it. During the wash, the fragrance from the Chinese herbs made me relaxed and it felt really good too - the massage did released some tension along the way. I enjoyed it!

Randy is enjoying the treatment too! So happy that he joined me for this session!

Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy continues even during the rinse-off with Long Dan water (instead of normal water) together with the usage of herbal bag in a stroking motion along the hair to let the nutrients penetrate into the hair!
For those who are curious, Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy provides our hair and scalp with the following benefits,
• Anti-inflammatory effect
• Calming effect for scalp
• Anti-allergic effect
• Eliminates heat and dampness
For my case, this therapy acts as an enhancement to soothe my irritated scalp as well!
That’s not all! Undergoing Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy regularly (and diligently!) will help to stabilise scalp issues and solve underlying hair and scalp problems. This helps to form a firm foundation for the scalp and prepare it for the next level of hair and scalp treatment.

After finishing the therapy! Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy is suitable for everyone, especially people with oily scalp, dandruff, hair-thinning, hair loss and itchy scalp problems. Maybe I should bring my mum here next time! :D

Last but not least, ending off the treatment with infra-red session for the hair!

I really enjoyed the Long Dan Scalp Care Therapy and will be requesting for the treatment again the next time I visit them in JCube outlet (my favourite outlet so far)! Now you can stand a chance to WIN USS Season Passes for 2 when you sign up for Beijing 101 Signature 5-Step Meridian Hair Treatment @ $42 (U.P $510) via the link: https://goo.gl/qXeqEJ

Lovin' my healthy hair in and out of town! Anyway, I know I've answered some of your questions that you guys might have previously regarding my treatment over at Beijing 101, and if you all have anymore questions, do feel free to drop me an email and I'll be happy to answer them! See you guys next time! ;)